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suck it oil and gas!

Jan. 17, 2015, 5:06 p.m.
Posts: 1054
Joined: Dec. 9, 2010

Fuck enduramil, fuck harper, fuck the military, fuck the troops, fuck the vets, everything is fucked, fuck you

Jan. 17, 2015, 5:53 p.m.
Posts: 652
Joined: Oct. 23, 2003

Fuck yea

Ha Ha! Made you look.

Jan. 17, 2015, 8:11 p.m.
Posts: 1054
Joined: Dec. 9, 2010

Fuck Canada and fuck canadians

Jan. 17, 2015, 10:17 p.m.
Posts: 204
Joined: April 21, 2006

"The Stone Age came to an end, not for a lack of stones, as the oil age will end, but not for a lack of oil." Sheikh Zaki Yamani

So true. So well put.

Solar, wind, geothermal, etc are technologies…technology continually becomes cheaper.

Oil, gas, wood, coal are resources. Resources continually become more expensive.

Its only a matter of time. Get out in front of it, and you can become very wealthy.

Jan. 22, 2015, 9:32 p.m.
Posts: 204
Joined: April 21, 2006

Fuck enduramil, fuck harper, fuck the military, fuck the troops, fuck the vets, everything is fucked, fuck you

Fuck yea

Fuck Canada and fuck canadians

Fuckin eh.

Jan. 23, 2015, 4:11 a.m.
Posts: 2285
Joined: Feb. 5, 2005

So true. So well put.

Solar, wind, geothermal, etc are technologies…technology continually becomes cheaper.

Oil, gas, wood, coal are resources. Resources continually become more expensive.

Its only a matter of time. Get out in front of it, and you can become very wealthy.

The stone age ended because the use of copper was discovered.

That said, I'm pretty sure stone (aggregates) are still used everywhere. If you think oil will ever go away, you're kidding yourself.

If lockheed (or someone else) can actually pull off these small scale fission reactors, that will be a game changer. Fortunately, they will still need someone pulling resources out of the ground, and if anything, the availability of cheap power will make all resources more plentiful. The oil sands would be cheap if electricity could be produced for a few pennies per Gw-h. We could say fuck the arabs, close North Americas borders, and enjoy our prosperity.

That's the problem with cities, they're refuges for the weak, the fish that didn't evolve.

I don't want to google this - sounds like a thing that NSMB will be better at.

Jan. 23, 2015, 7:14 a.m.
Posts: 11969
Joined: June 4, 2008


Jan. 23, 2015, 12:42 p.m.
Posts: 5731
Joined: June 24, 2003

The stone age ended because the use of copper was discovered.

That said, I'm pretty sure stone (aggregates) are still used everywhere. If you think oil will ever go away, you're kidding yourself.

If lockheed (or someone else) can actually pull off these small scale fission reactors, that will be a game changer. Fortunately, they will still need someone pulling resources out of the ground, and if anything, the availability of cheap power will make all resources more plentiful. The oil sands would be cheap if electricity could be produced for a few pennies per Gw-h. We could say fuck the arabs, close North Americas borders, and enjoy our prosperity.

We will never run out of oil, it will just become more expensive than alternatives which will get better. I don't think there are reasonable alternatives to burning gas in cars today but it's coming. Batteries that hold a charge and can be recharged as quickly as we can fuel up now will happen in my lifetime.

Debate? Bikes are made for riding not pushing.

Jan. 25, 2015, 7:56 p.m.
Posts: 11969
Joined: June 4, 2008

Jan. 26, 2015, 1:57 p.m.
Posts: 3
Joined: Sept. 27, 2005

I filled up today at $0.98 per.

But our energy mutual fund is in the shitter. Oh well. Buy and hold. It'll come back in the summer.

I doubled down last week on that fund - doubled my book value.

I'm ignoring Smedley.

Jan. 26, 2015, 3:09 p.m.
Posts: 26382
Joined: Aug. 14, 2005

fuck ya craig apparently that is frowned upon by the soldier so all those people standing next to him are smiling and thinking "what a fucking jerk"

hey enduramil, as a direct result of the Harper's policys soldiers have less benifits, got fucked over on their pension by being kicked out before 10yrs, got fucked over on a lump sum payment which was way low even for the high level soldier and really low for most soldiers, not given support for PTSD to the point that there are now more soldiers (and that number is still increasing) who have committed suicide than were KIA serving in Afgahanistan this is all shit which ALMOST any idiot can google

instead you say oh yeah that always happens (which is untrue cuz only the cons have done the above) so everybody should drink beer which will save the legion?

BTW, we still have 2 vets in town and they were both from WWII in their 90's which might be the legion's problem the vets are gone … a new model is needed

Half the problem with PTSD is it is such a new concept in Canada. Hell we are only just starting to simply talk about it and depression. And remember we are talking about this now. Guys who went to former Yugoslavia came back with the same issues having seen genocide, things like snipers killing civvies like in Sarejevo, and so on. And don't forget the horrors Dallaire saw that everyone said was in his head. Government didn't help them but you know it was okay because it was under the Liberals.

Jan. 26, 2015, 3:10 p.m.
Posts: 26382
Joined: Aug. 14, 2005

Fuck enduramil, fuck harper, fuck the military, fuck the troops, fuck the vets, everything is fucked, fuck you

Sounds like you have a problem getting fucked.

Jan. 26, 2015, 3:32 p.m.
Posts: 16818
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

Government didn't help them but you know it was okay because it was under the Liberals.

I see. So it is your contention that the previous Liberal government felt that there is no social contract between the government and veterans, as has been argued by the current conservative government?

The federal government is arguing it does not have a social contract with veterans in response to a class-action suit brought by veterans upset with the compensation arrangement offered to wounded soldiers under the New Veterans Charter.

The veterans' lawsuit claims the charter and the changes it brings to compensation for veterans violate the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

In 2005, Ottawa changed the way it calculates compensation for soldiers who are wounded in battle. Under the New Veterans Charter, vets are offered a lump sum payment instead of a lifetime pension. Veterans say the changes mean wounded soldiers will receive much less over their lifetimes.

In a response filed in B.C. Supreme Court Jan. 31, the government denies the veterans charter violates the Charter of Rights and maintains that the veterans involved in the case have not been "deprived" of anything.

The court documents say that the plaintiffs "seek to advance a pure economic interest" and a "scheme providing benefits cannot be said to amount to a deprivation merely because the claimant views the benefits as insufficient."

The lawsuit was first filed in October 2012, and involves a group of six veterans, all of whom served and were injured in Afghanistan.

The government tried to have the lawsuit dismissed last year, but B.C. Supreme Court Justice Gordon Weatherill rejected that attempt.

and so on …

So, the con government can send people to fight and get injured, killed or psychlogically damaged, but they have "no social contract" to help those people deal with it on their return. And that is no different than previous governments?

When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.

When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion.

Jan. 26, 2015, 4:53 p.m.
Posts: 34076
Joined: Nov. 19, 2002

Half the problem with PTSD is it is such a new concept in Canada. Hell we are only just starting to simply talk about it and depression. And remember we are talking about this now. Guys who went to former Yugoslavia came back with the same issues having seen genocide, things like snipers killing civvies like in Sarejevo, and so on. And don't forget the horrors Dallaire saw that everyone said was in his head. Government didn't help them but you know it was okay because it was under the Liberals.

PTSD was well from WW1 onwards. 50% of soldiers returning from battle in WW2 suffered from it. The difference is that it had a different name then, like "shell shock".

It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.
- Josiah Stamp

Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.
- H.G. Wells

Jan. 26, 2015, 8:50 p.m.
Posts: 26382
Joined: Aug. 14, 2005

PTSD was well from WW1 onwards. 50% of soldiers returning from battle in WW2 suffered from it. The difference is that it had a different name then, like "shell shock".

Yes it dd. It was also called Combat Fatigue and I think Battle Shock as well.

Interestingly if you look at the history of mental health in Canada in the realm it was not the government that dd anything. The Canadian Mental Health Association began during the end of WW1 and first focus was helping soldier with this injuries. And it was not a government organization but was experts at the time in the field creating something new.

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