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Jan. 29, 2024, 4:33 p.m. -  Dave Tolnai

There are a bunch of ideas in here: 1) Ya, I saw that 1up is using the brackets.  I'd really prefer not to have to do that.  It reduces clearance a bit and ups the complication factor.  It's super easy to just bang a bunch of lag bolts through the Unistrut.  Lining up a bunch of brackets feels like an unecessary extra step. 2) On the clearance - that's it exactly.  It looks like the spring holds it in place, but the big question is how much clearance with the spring retracted?  If enough to clear a lag bolt and washer, great, should work no problem.  If not - again, you're in to a more complicated bracket mount. 3) Interesting to see an Amazon hanger option!

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