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Aug. 17, 2020, 6:43 a.m. -  Andrew Major

With the caveats that I’m on fairly modern geo (76º+ STA) on FS bikes, and I stand _a lot_ on my hardtail (single speed), and I’m religious about not over filling it, I get none of the back discomfort wearing the Chase that I have with a regular pack. My brother, CTK, has had a similar experience. The Chase fits/loads very different from other packs _but_ I normally get lower back discomfort - although I did have a rotator cuff issue this year - so it’s impossible to say if it would work for you. Really expensive shot in the dark but if you could demo one it might be perfect! Safer bet is probably a good hip pack or hip pack / frame bag combo.  I will say that, if you’re riding a modern long, low, slack bike and the shoulder/neck pain arrived the same time then your bar is too low. Seeing lots of bikes with the saddle nose massively tilted down (moving weight to hands, arms, shoulders, neck) because the bar is too low and the rider is compensating for other issues.  Disproportionately short Stack v Reach is present on a lot of bikes. Enough that 50mm rise bars are showing up everywhere. For anyone who is not sure what works for them, a good starting point for bracketing a modern-long FS bike is having the bar and saddle the same height when the seat is up (static).

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