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NIMBY Fifty 2012 - Pemberton, BC / Red Bull Downtime - NIMBY Fifty Race within a Race

May 30, 2012, 5:13 p.m.
Posts: 47
Joined: Aug. 27, 2007

Fair enough. The same old "what was your favorite part of the course" to everyone who came in just bores me shitless.

Maybe you can list the 427 different questions you would have asked, had you been on the mic

May 30, 2012, 5:18 p.m.
Posts: 707
Joined: Sept. 15, 2011

Just don't finish so early.

May 30, 2012, 6:03 p.m.
Posts: 3483
Joined: Nov. 27, 2002

Maybe you can list the 427 different questions you would have asked, had you been on the mic

I think I've offended you enough already :cry:

"I do like how you generally bring an open-minded and positive vibe to the threads you participate in"

- Morgman

May 30, 2012, 9:06 p.m.
Posts: 319
Joined: Aug. 7, 2009

what happened to Lycra Wearer on the single speed?

wasn't my day.. had some ab pains that I couldn't ignore when it came time to work…

disappointed, but it was the right decision

wish I could've stuck around a bit later to see you and nick (and others) finish. people were truly wrecked….

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