Facts? How bout the fact that I worked for the brand and was the guy the worked with the factories to get stuff made. They’re made in the cheapest factory around. Old Asian ladies working around the clock in cramped working conditions. Why do you think the gear is so affordable? It’s not cause it’s a good business. It’s cause they used the cheapest labor possible and cut corners on product development. All things I tried to mitigate and what I’m assuming I was let go because of.
Dec. 6, 2024, 8 p.m. - Scott Schneider
Facts? How bout the fact that I worked for the brand and was the guy the worked with the factories to get stuff made. They’re made in the cheapest factory around. Old Asian ladies working around the clock in cramped working conditions. Why do you think the gear is so affordable? It’s not cause it’s a good business. It’s cause they used the cheapest labor possible and cut corners on product development. All things I tried to mitigate and what I’m assuming I was let go because of.