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March 8, 2024, 8:49 a.m. -  Todd Hellinga

Yeah, when I did the occasional review back in the day, I focused less on the nitty gritty tech numbers and more on the qualitative nature of the ride and whom that may or may not suit. Maybe that's too simple but as a consumer of reviews on occasion that's what I always thought was the most important aspect of a review. Anyone can throw too many number at a page and tell you what that's supposed to mean and result in, but can they actually explain what that feels like and who that would suit best? Sometimes I feel like that's glossed or rushed over in favour of \*DATA\*.  There's a lot of reviews out there that use a lot of words to not actually give you much useful information and seem to just parrot marketing hyperbole. Have always appreciated NSMB's approach which seemed to favour the less formulaic and looser review formats between reviewers that seems to better allow the qualitative to come through more.

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