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March 8, 2024, 12:48 a.m. -  Timer

One of the things that makes a good reviewer has nothing to do with riding skills or even trust. Its the ability to focus on what is going on with the bike while riding. Noticing changes and differences between components. Preferably not placebo.  Thats a skill not everyone has and which needs to be trained and honed. Personally, i would never make a decent bike reviewer. When riding, i just focus on the trail and ignore the gear, more or less. I don't even care if my bike is quiet or loud. PS: I'm also quite astonished that fake product reviews pay enough to make a good living in a first-world country. I thought that industry was primarily staffed by temp-workers in developing countries. Especially now that automated translation is good enough for review spam. Anyway, that part of the internet has been useless for years. AI will enshittify it further but at this point it doesn't really matter.

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