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March 7, 2024, 12:19 p.m. -  Allen Lloyd

This is hitting a bit close to home as I am in the process of evaluating bikes for my next purchase.  I tend to keep bikes for around a decade, so this is not a decision to take lightly.  My historic methodology has been to actually ride bikes then read the reviews to see if I agree with what people say.  Then I latch on to what they say about other bikes.   Where this somewhat falls on its face is there is a bike I am interested in that a person I trust loves, BUT I have two issues: 1\. Every other bike I have ridden from this manufacturer has felt off to me.  I have never been able to put my finger on it but I just don't like them. 2\. While I trust the person's opinion, I absolutely cannot stand them. Riding the same bike as "that guy" bothers me.   Ugh just re-read the NSMB review of the bike in question and it was liked here :(

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