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March 7, 2024, 10:32 a.m. -  Dave Smith

I was just typing a response to this when I saw your answer pop up so I'm going to just attach it here. A few years ago on a press trip, a bike-journo from another website and I were transferring back to the airport with Mike.  At some point, the other guy had enough of Pops and I jawing about the many flavours of beer we liked to guzzle - _Mike, do you ever ask yourself why should anyone listen to what I have to say about bikes? I'm just a regular guy, not an engineer or suspension expert_.* Unfazed by the dark question, Mike simply replied, _Well, most people aren't engineers and your experience is probably closer to the everyday rider. You ride a ton of bikes and have enough experience to know what works for you so your reviews absolutely have value._* Every so often I have flash backs to this conversation when I read bike reviews and will echo what Pete has said in another comment - " The 'know thy reviewer' part is crucial."  I always believed that the panel review videos that Bike mag used to do were really valuable and gave people the chance to get to know those that were on each bike. Without that resource, I do a lot of comparative reviews between websites but I do take some journalists comments with a grain of salt because I know for example Cooper and I have pretty close opinions on most things bike related but he weighs 50lbs less than me and is 5X times more fit.  FWIW - I know they are logistically a pain in the arse but I think getting Mike, Cam, Cooper and co together for a camp like experience to run through 2-3 different rigs would make for some great stories and an interesting beer-soaked video. *For the record, I paraphrased this interaction because of the numerous IPA's consumed the night before this conversation and ever since which have affected my memory.

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