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March 7, 2024, 8:24 a.m. -  Mark

Timely. And good.  I think people need to know themselves, know their limits and have some knowledge/experience on a topic before they can begin to put their trust in someone else's thoughts.  There probably also needs to be some commitment on the part of the reader to understand the reviewer - ie looking at their body of work. So developing trust takes a bit of time. For us locals who may know or have met some of the NSMB staff I think that familiarity makes it a lot easier to trust the words they put to screen, but if you follow the reviews here long enough you see that there is an ethos that's been developed when it comes to the reviews/articles - telling it like it is. Whether one agrees with or even likes a certain reviewer, there's a comfort (trust) here that you know you're not going to get a sales job when you're reading something.

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