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March 7, 2024, 8:14 a.m. -  Dude@

Deciphering the tea leaves of reviews, whether in forums or posts, requires finesse. Within these platforms lies valuable insight, as the truth tends to surface with scrutiny. As a scientist by day, I am privileged to access information via peer-reviewed articles and books. While acknowledging the flaws in the peer-review process, its fundamental principle holds merit. I often yearn for a similar review process in my hobbies. Many of us are intrigued by what constitutes a superior bike, surfboard, or any other item. Some industry folks are extremely charismatic with their insights (see the forest for the trees), yet their spoken wisdom is seldom, maintaining its allure. Reviews serve as the closest approximation to peer review, especially when assessing the credibility of the source and their expertise. Mike, insightful as always, thanks for the read!

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