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April 14, 2023, 6:54 a.m. -  Cr4w

As time goes on and bikes get better and more reliable (and way way more expensive) the good stuff lands in the middle. For years I've run the most extreme stuff because that's all that worked for me but now that is changing. What would I choose? A 150/160 heavy trail bike with a 64' head and angle and 77' seat angle, which places it at the edge of the category Cooper's Kona is in. I don't need a 38mm fork (36 is fine), I don't need a 213mm dropper even at 6'6" (185 is fine). I don't need 2.6 tires (2.4 is fine). I don't need DD or DH tire casings (EXO+ with light inserts is fine). There's plenty with more travel, slacker head angles, etc. My XL G1 is arguably the longest, slackest most monstrous bikes available and I've come back to settle on something pretty moderate. I used to think it was about travel but once I got the bike to fit with appropriate geometry turns out I don't really need that much travel. But I needed to keep going to the extreme to know that I'd gone too far. If I lived anywhere but Vancouver I'd be on something a few notches down.

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