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Jan. 12, 2023, 10:32 a.m. -  tashi

In the '90's the marketing was done by print ads and sponsored athletes, the ambassadors of the time, and when the market tightened, race teams were cut. This time around marketing is done by online ads, influencers/ambassadors and athletes.  Just makes sense to me that they'd be the first to go this time as well, particularly when the big S is cutting 8% of their overall work force. Underrepresented people made progress and added representation by accessing these programs, but unfortunately they're programs that get cut first, probably reflecting the lower value they provide relative to employees in other areas.  Hopefully that experience can be leveraged into more valuable positions within the industry if that's what they want. You didn't use the work "oppression", that was not a fair characterization so apologies for that.  You do seem to be saying that the big S is erasing the progress made, is that correct?  I have to assume they've added some diversity programs to their less visible operations as well but we would't know about that as consumers.

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