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Sept. 22, 2021, 7:24 a.m. -  Deniz Merdano

Progression of Fitness, Speed and Style go through my mind on most of the rides. I have this conversation with my partner sometimes, who doesn't agree that every ride needs to be a progression session. Sometimes, just being in the forest on bikes is the ultimate goal. But I always want to ride to the top faster than the ride before, or clear a line I may not have previously. Most importantly however, for me , is that I ride more beautifully and in style than I felt previously. Like reading sheet music for a symphony, I yearn to read the trail and ride it in the most beautiful and interpretive way possible.  And that beauty comes only when I am fit enough and have practiced my craft a million times. After all, who cares how gnarly a line is if the rider looks like a potato riding it...

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