Steve Peat's Evolution in the Santa Cruz Syndicate
From racer to mentor and coach, Steve Peat's journey in the world of DH racing is a unique one.
Jackson Goldstone's Got a Fresh New Whip
"This is the prettiest bike I've ever seen in my life! Period!"
Snowshoe UCI DH World Cup 2022 Preview And Course Walk
It's gone from dustbowl to mud season at Snowshoe for the latest round of the UCI DH World Cup. Check out the course and get some thoughts ahead of Saturday's race...
Steve Peat vs. Steve Peat - Are Modern DH Bikes That Much Faster?
Peat digs into the archives and dusts off a classic ride to see if 15 years of innovation matter that much on the track...
Greg Minnaar - Unfinished Business
"My last win was in 2017. In the back of your mind you do wonder if you're capable of winning again..."
The Syndicate - No Time To Cry
A feature-length season wrap up video from the folks at Santa Cruz marks Loris Vergier's last appearance with the collective...
On The Spanners - Reserve Wheel Build
Syndicate Mechanic Tom Duncan tries to guide Luca Shaw through the dark art of wheelbuilding...
The Syndicate Presents: On The Spanners - Greg Minnaar vs. Jason Marsh
"I've never bled my brakes" - Greg Minnaar, 30 years of bike riding.
Mixed Opinions and The Great Wheel Debate
The Santa Cruz Syndicate is going mullet for 2020. Well, most of them at least.
Sea Otter 2019
Sea Otter's Best Bits (and a trip to Santa Cruz Bikes)
Tires and Lego and tools and bars and chain guides and an electric 'bike' you may not hate...
The Syndicate: Wrapping Up 2018
Wet race-runs and overcooked waffles…
First Impressions
Riding Greg Minnaar’s Signature Maxxis Assegai Tire
A couple of days on the new tire and some time to grill Greg Minnaar and the engineers from Maxxis have left AJ wanting more…
The Santa Cruz Syndicate is Back
Watch Episode 1 of The Syndicate for 2018
Pre-season preparation, good times, and the return of the World Cup with the Santa Cruz Syndicate's first episode of 2018.
Brake Bleeds with the Santa Cruz Syndicate
Some interesting tips from Syndicate wrench, Jason "Marshy" Marsh on how he bleeds Shimano brakes.
Syndicate Signs 2 Recruits
"The Santa Cruz Syndicate goes transcontinental in 2017 with fresh signings of Luca Shaw from the USA, and Loris Vergier of France..."
Peaty – Pissed Up with a Chainsaw
"It's nice that he's in his race kit and sober rather than pissed up with a chainsaw..." The bittersweet tale of Peaty's last season...
Peaty’s Last Fort William
An emotional race with the Stevie Smith train of riders and ghost run and Steve Peat's last race as a pro at Fort William...
The Syndicate Does Cairns
Ratboy and Minnaar do a spot of suspension testing, get their nutrition dialled in, and get their colouring on. Oh, and something about a bike race too.
Sending it With the Santa Cruz Syndicate
Follow the lads as they get prepped for the first World Cup race of 2016, and have a spot of fun along the way.
Ratboy On Fire
Is there anyone who rides with the frantic calm of Josh Bryceland?
Steve Peat to retire after 2016
True to form for Steve Peat, he used this low-key but beautiful trail riding vid to announce his retirement after the 2016 World Cup. Farewell, Peaty.
The Syndicate Crushes Andorra
Ratboy is fast and loose, while Minnaar sweats the small details. Both of them ended up on the 3-man podium at Andorra.
Syndicate Behind The Scenes from MSA 2015
Does Josh or Greg geek out more over suspension tuning? Everyone is happy when Ratboy takes the win, except perhaps the Queen...
Mont Ste Anne 2015 Highlights
Fantastic racing action captures a crowd favourite winning - and only the third race winner of the year...