Brown Pow Falling From the Sky
Forecast calls for a Dirt Blizzard from UnReal Movie - and Vanderham, Ian Morrison and Finn Iles are getting the freshies...
How Was Semenuk’s One Shot Segment Shot?
Have you been wondering how it was possible to shoot Semenuk's segment without any cuts? Here's the answer...
Semenuk’s One Shot Segment = unReal
Semenuk uses two different bikes (and a truck) but the camera never cuts - that's one single long shot...
unReal World Premiere
The unReal World Tour kicks off June 18th in Vancouver. Other tour dates and locations have also been announced.
This Teaser is (actually) unReal!
Is the movie we've been waiting for? A full length mountain bike movie worth getting excited about?
Mind the Gap: Episode 3
James Doerfling, Cam McCaul and Graham Agassiz with a bit of big mountain riding in unfamiliar conditions.
Mind The Gap – Episode 2
Tom van Steenbergen currently owns the title to the World’s Biggest Frontflip on a bike. This is what it took to make it happen…
This is what you get when you cross two of the biggest names in Action Sports video production houses…