Dropped the girl off for her last day of Slayer's - gaper day for those who didn't check the forecast. Most fortunately put on their winter or wet weather gear. Pooh Bear got soaked.
The girls up-loaded up and Mrs. WH, the boy, and I loaded up for what to be a soggy and occasionally snowy ride. We selected a route the rides well wet.
We parked at Function along Eastside Main at exit of Highline. We then rode up Eastside Main to See Colours and Puke. Up See Colours to Babylon by Bike. Down Babylon, then over to Tunnel Vision. From bottom of Tunnel Vision, Mrs. WH and the boy spun back to Creekside. I returned to Function, climbed the Cheakamus FSR and descended Highline Trail back to the car.
I was going to ride AMPM, but with the days' deluge, it was looking gross and quite a bit of water was flowing down the entry, so I gave it a pass knowing there has been recent work on it.
Top of See Colours and Puke led to about 100m of hike-a-bike through snow:
Lower Babylon was fast and furious after we hiked through two bands of snow. Flurries were falling at this elevation. The water bars didn't providing the usual opportunities to get rad, as the ditches were filled with flowing water.
Tunnel Vision always holds out well in the wet:
Tacky enough, even for big wheels:
Wide open ripping for little boys:
Misty mountain scene:
Last hit before the highway home:
Good weekend to NOT be in the park. But some might argue that logic.