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Whistler 2014 Trail Conditions - not in the bike park

May 19, 2014, 10:09 p.m.
Posts: 1150
Joined: Oct. 31, 2006

We may have seen you Thingy. Me and the Mrs did 102 to KMTM to Comfortably Numb to Young Lust to Sea2Sky trail to Lost lake/Zappa trails. We were going to spin back the highway after Young Lust, but the riding was too good and we didn't have to get the kids from Spring Slayers until 4:00.

I was gonna' head up the mountain and do a couple laps with them, but tacky loam won the day.

We got some descent point and shoot and processed cell phone photos that I've yet to upload.

May 20, 2014, 1:19 p.m.
Posts: 1124
Joined: Jan. 31, 2005

We may have seen you Thingy. Me and the Mrs did 102 to KMTM to Comfortably Numb to Young Lust to Sea2Sky trail to Lost lake/Zappa trails.

Wow. How long did it take you to get through all this?

There's nothing better than an Orangina after cheating death with Digger.

May 20, 2014, 11:12 p.m.
Posts: 1150
Joined: Oct. 31, 2006

Wow. How long did it take you to get through all this?

Took us 3ish. It only sounds epic when you list the trails, but it is Considerably shorter than doing full Comfortably Numb as Sea2Sky is fast back to Zappa Trails. And then we just did the Hooktender to Johnny to Grand Wazoo route back to the village. Lots could do it faster, but we stopped for snacks and photos along the way. Actually don't waste much timing taking point and shoot photos as we sort of leap frog each other in cool secretions of trail.

May 25, 2014, 9:48 p.m.
Posts: 1150
Joined: Oct. 31, 2006

Saturday - Dropped the girl off at the second last of her two days in mogul camp - Spring Slayers. The boy wanted to come up with me for a half day to hit the big park and one more alpine rip… then head down for a Westside Ride.

Weather, for the most part, held out, other than some passing squalls.

Sun of last week had nuked the ridgetops, so we had to hike down into Big Bang for our last alpine lap of the year:

Even end of May, the snow ripped, and so did the crew:

Then we hit the bikes with the Mrs, who's still recovering from a broken toe. The loop today was Creekside, Lower Sproat, Cake, Mode, Sproat, Beaver Pond, North Danimal, Whip Me, Valley Trail to Creekside.

Climbing Sproat:

Spotting the rollers on Sproat; he cleaned it first try:

Mrs WH on Greasy(ish) Danimal Slabbage:

Railing roots:

They didn't say there was wood (his fav. vid if you get the reference):

Today's (Sunday's) ride was a whole different world of wet… more on that later.

May 28, 2014, 9:39 p.m.
Posts: 1150
Joined: Oct. 31, 2006

Dropped the girl off for her last day of Slayer's - gaper day for those who didn't check the forecast. Most fortunately put on their winter or wet weather gear. Pooh Bear got soaked.

The girls up-loaded up and Mrs. WH, the boy, and I loaded up for what to be a soggy and occasionally snowy ride. We selected a route the rides well wet.

We parked at Function along Eastside Main at exit of Highline. We then rode up Eastside Main to See Colours and Puke. Up See Colours to Babylon by Bike. Down Babylon, then over to Tunnel Vision. From bottom of Tunnel Vision, Mrs. WH and the boy spun back to Creekside. I returned to Function, climbed the Cheakamus FSR and descended Highline Trail back to the car.

I was going to ride AMPM, but with the days' deluge, it was looking gross and quite a bit of water was flowing down the entry, so I gave it a pass knowing there has been recent work on it.

Top of See Colours and Puke led to about 100m of hike-a-bike through snow:

Lower Babylon was fast and furious after we hiked through two bands of snow. Flurries were falling at this elevation. The water bars didn't providing the usual opportunities to get rad, as the ditches were filled with flowing water.

Tunnel Vision always holds out well in the wet:

Tacky enough, even for big wheels:

Wide open ripping for little boys:

Misty mountain scene:

Last hit before the highway home:

Good weekend to NOT be in the park. But some might argue that logic.

May 29, 2014, 7:51 a.m.
Posts: 169
Joined: Nov. 19, 2002

thanks for the reminder on the ampm entrance…I keep meaning to fix that drainage issue but have been busy working on another project

May 29, 2014, 10:24 a.m.
Posts: 109
Joined: Nov. 24, 2008

Great shots. Now I want to go riding.

Pain is temporary; quitting lasts forever.

May 30, 2014, 2:11 p.m.
Posts: 3864
Joined: Sept. 12, 2003

what trail is this?

WTF, Over?

May 30, 2014, 2:41 p.m.
Posts: 169
Joined: Nov. 19, 2002

go explore the westside…it's a bunch of trails.

May 30, 2014, 3:43 p.m.
Posts: 1150
Joined: Oct. 31, 2006

go explore the westside…it's a bunch of trails.

He has some of those lines so dialed, it feels like the tape has been sped up. I'm gonna' ride a couple of those on Saturday at about half that rate. And I'll probably still feel like I just killed it….. but now I will know that I haven't.

May 30, 2014, 4:20 p.m.
Posts: 169
Joined: Nov. 19, 2002

He has some of those lines so dialed, it feels like the tape has been sped up. I'm gonna' ride a couple of those on Saturday at about half that rate. And I'll probably still feel like I just killed it….. but now I will know that I haven't.

I know, I usually feel like I can get down stuff pretty quick, then I watch this BS….. :(

May 30, 2014, 4:58 p.m.
Posts: 144
Joined: June 22, 2010

He has some of those lines so dialed, it feels like the tape has been sped up. I'm gonna' ride a couple of those on Saturday at about half that rate. And I'll probably still feel like I just killed it….. but now I will know that I haven't.

I know, I usually feel like I can get down stuff pretty quick, then I watch this BS….. :(

Knowing he is one of the top mountain bikers in the world I'm satisfied that I ride those same trails and survive.

May 31, 2014, 8:15 p.m.
Posts: 1150
Joined: Oct. 31, 2006

Took the boy for his first trip up Flank proper now that he's got most of the Lower Sproat routes dialed. We took our time and scoped, and sessioned a few sections, but he got High Society to 99er to Middle Danimal pretty dialed for a little guy.

Blew my already jerry-rigged derailleur near the bottom. Went to Skiis and Biikes in the village and they were offering X9 with clutch for $30 less than other shops, plus a discount for locals/pass holders (winter or summer). He saw me pull my rear wheel on the benches near the shop and came out and told me to bring the bike in, since it was beer o'clock. He installed the derailleur and a new shifter cable for a high five and refused firmly my offer of a tip. Believe his name was Mike. Solid human being. I've bought a variety of items there over the years for snow and dirt, and have yet to be disappointed.

June 4, 2014, 9:42 a.m.
Posts: 1150
Joined: Oct. 31, 2006

10 minutes of riding with the Grom - Flank, High Society, Sproat, 99er, Zappa Trails.

For all you gluttons of bad gopro and kids.

June 4, 2014, 3:09 p.m.
Posts: 2034
Joined: May 2, 2004

Did cheap thrills for the first time, not as bad as I've heard but wouldn't want to do it in the wet

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