private property is private property…
Yes, and I can respect that. But there have been trails on this property for years with no issue and no signage. As far as I know it has only been an issue since last year.
came up last year when the landowner wanted a bunch of rezoning and bed units to make their shitty piece of property (aforementioned steepness, hydrolines, railways) developable. The RMOW wisely said no, and now the land owner is trying to say trails are devaluing their property and have huffed and puffed and threatened to charge people with tresspassing, etc. Along with that they've demanded all trail maps have the trails on their property removed from them. I fully support the muni in not caving to outlandish demands from people who think they're entitled to more than their zoning gives them.
I've heard this rumour/info as well as the rumour that the owner wanted money from having last year's EWS course running on trails on the property. And, the answer was no to being paid so he made a stink and then put up 2 No Trespassing signs. The EWS course was then changed last minute along with last year's womens WORCA race course.
The zoning issue sounds more plausible. Although, the pettiness sucks.