Man shaming the dude they passed publicly like that is a dinkus move. Considering the trail prohibits ebikes, how is the guy getting passed supposed to know they have an "exemption"? Either way, their trail etiquette and passing skills needs some work, passing someone just before a switchback is a shit move.
I sense someone is not telling the truth.
If you click through to the full video, there is a link in the description to his partner's channel about her health condition.
As the partner of someone with a (different) chronic condition that prevents her from most of the outdoor activities she loves, I think the option of getting an e-bike exemption for LOTS on medical grounds from the municipality is nice. I assume they have criteria and don't just give it to anyone who asks.
I was told the whole reason for the e-bike ban is to keep the masses that are not physically fit enough to complete the back country loop from getting way out there and needing to be rescued? (most likely via heli)
I didn't watch the whole video but it seemed pretty early into the alpine when he started on the range anxiety. What would have happened if they ran out of juice?
What difference does it make why you couldn't do it without a motor? and where do you draw the line? Chronic illness, chronic knee injury, chronic beer habit?
I can see why his partner might need an e-bike to do that climb (not that I agree with the exception necessarily as Max stated above), but what is his reason for using one?
I also like the part in the video where he says he brought 'zero tools', great idea on a trail like LOTS :(
Additionally, he ditches his partner with the disability and takes off down the hill. Puts over an hour of separation between himself and her by the end. What would have happened had she had problems either medically or mechanically?
Last edited by: shoreboy on Oct. 8, 2024, 2:55 p.m., edited 2 times in total.
I'm fine with her having the exemption, but if buddy also has the exemption and doesn't suffer a disability (insert joke about mental disabilities here), he shouldn't be on an ebike. It transforms it from an access issue to a "oh how convenient, look how fast we can climb together!" thing.
There are multiple reasons for the no ebike regulation. Safety as pointed out above. Its grizzly habitat and grizzlies are a recovering species here. Conservation don’t want too many people disturbing the bears particularly at certain times of the year like now when bears are in hyperphasia (sp?) and really hungry. Disturbing bears now might mean they don’t eat enough and do poorly in hibernation. Those trails are already very popular so maybe allowing e-bikes would overburden the trail system.
There are rangers up there at times and they do hand out tickets and send people back down. I’ve never heard that you could get an exemption from RMOW. Even if you could get an exemption does that extend to your riding partner? Or maybe if there were six riders would one exception mean all get to use e-bikes? I’m highly suspicious. I mean too ill to ride a bike up but not too sick to do a long descent?
I understand why people want to use e-bikes up there. It’s a hard climb. But flaunting rules, if that is what’s happening, is wrong. If numerous people do that, it’s possible that the muni and conservation shut it all down or make it permit only like hiking in Garibaldi or Joffrey Lakes. It pisses me off when people do things that may negatively affect other people’s ability to do things. Like people that skin up Whistler under slopes that need avalanche control. Or people that want to walk on cross country trails at Lost Lake which wrecks the classic tracks and skate lane. Or drive to Whistler in winter in bad weather on shit tires.
Last edited by: andy-eunson on Oct. 8, 2024, 6:02 p.m., edited 1 time in total.
Posted by: [email protected]
If you click through to the full video, there is a link in the description to his partner's channel about her health condition.
As the partner of someone with a (different) chronic condition that prevents her from most of the outdoor activities she loves, I think the option of getting an e-bike exemption for LOTS on medical grounds from the municipality is nice. I assume they have criteria and don't just give it to anyone who asks.
I watched the beginning of the video where they are still driving. He said there was no medical exemption but it’s because he has a YouTube channel. Wait what?
I think that was a bit of tongue-in-cheek joking. Don't know the guy but after watching the video he sure does give off some asshole energy.
I was going to say BS on them actually having a permit but in watching the video they run into a ranger up at the hut and he asks to see it and he shows the ranger something on his phone.
He has a video where he "reviews" the LOTS descent, he ditched his partner that needed the medical exemption and he filmed the descent in one shot. Class act leaving her to likely struggle through the descent while he gets the youtube clip. Apparently it's too long and too much work, not worth the pedal.
Posted by: [email protected]
If you click through to the full video, there is a link in the description to his partner's channel about her health condition.
As the partner of someone with a (different) chronic condition that prevents her from most of the outdoor activities she loves, I think the option of getting an e-bike exemption for LOTS on medical grounds from the municipality is nice. I assume they have criteria and don't just give it to anyone who asks.
I don't have any issue with an exemption and think it's great when applied correctly. I've worked with a lot of differently abled people over the years and understand very well how important access to recreation is and the difference it can make in someone's life.
My issue has way more to do with how the guy went about doing his thing and that he made a point of shaming another rider who in no way could tell their full story. I get that they may tire of having to explain themselves, but considering the situation that's a question they should expect to have to answer. They also to learn better trail etiquette because they're failing at it.
My post was in response to the thread title suggesting they lied to get the exemption. I agree the guy's vibe and behaviour in the video don't help their case.
Regardless, if they indeed asked and received an e-bike exemption for both of them from RMOW, can't fault them on that part.
Last edited by: [email protected] on Oct. 8, 2024, 4:13 p.m., edited 1 time in total.
Ya, I wasn't disagreeing with you, sorry if it appeared that way.
Posted by: andy-eunson
There are multiple reasons for the no ebike regulation. Safety as pointed out above. Its grizzly habitat and grizzlies are a recovering species here. Conservation don’t want too many people disturbing the bears particularly at certain times of the year like now when bears are in hyperphasia (sp?) and really hungry. Disturbing bears now might mean they don’t eat enough and do poorly in hibernation. Those trails are already very popular so maybe allowing e-bikes would overburden the trail system.
There are rangers up there at times and they do hand out tickets and send people back down. I’ve never heard that you could get an exemption from RMOW. Even if you could get an exemption does that extend to your riding partner? Or maybe if there were six riders would one exception mean all get to use e-bikes? I’m highly suspicious. I mean too ill to ride a bike up but not too sick to do a long descent?
I understand why people want to use e-bikes up there. It’s a hard climb. But flaunting rules, if that is what’s happening, is wrong. If numerous people do that, it’s possible that the muni and conservation shut it all down or make it permit only like hiking in Garibaldi or Joffrey Lakes. It pisses me off when people do things that may negatively affect other people’s ability to do things. Like people that skin up Whistler under slopes that need avalanche control. Or people that want to walk on cross country trails at Lost Lake which wrecks the classic tracks and skate lane. Or drive to Whistler in winter in bad weather on shit tires.
Andy, not a supporter Bropeds. However the full video is here.
Why bother supporting the video with more views if you’re against it? Isn’t that the goal of Youtoobers? Stir up some controversy for clicks.
#didnt watch, #don’t care, but it did briefly show up in my Youtube feed before this thread. Creepy.
no ebikes on certain trails is as idiotic as the 2m rule in my home country (you are not allowed to to ride any trail that is less than 2m wide in the German state of Baden-württemberg): it gives one group the ability to be snarky over the use of the same trail by another group. over there the same convo would be INSERT KAREN VOICE "you know that you are not supposed to ride here?!"
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