Tom pro 's line would be a top contender . I still remember the day D Kelly , BT , Pro amd my self were scoping the terrain up in Garbo and walked onto that ridge . Tree of us walked away thinking shit a dead end , then we hear Pro in the back ground " that 'll be a line " The three ffof us convinced pro to take another line for o sin , but the shale master was born that day. Watching J.B. ride it on a hard tail is somthing to see.
It's one thing to hit a 'line' that is already there, but another to pioneer one. That's what really makes a great rider.
I may cop some shit for this comment though (and it certainly is not directed at you dmurph, you've only brought it to mind)… hardtails get way too much credit from people who don't ride them. I've spent a lot of time riding DH on one and really, once you've spent enough time on one it really becomes a non issue. Lot's of people have given me undeserved 'wows' for riding stuff on a hardtail only because it has been a long time since they've been on one. If you spend one afternoon on one, it seems like a ridiculous feat to be riding it like you ride you DH bike. Give it a week, and the only difference becomes how sore and tired you get, the upper speed limit on really rough terrain, and the low tolerance for error. Other than that, it's a bike and you ride as hard as what you've got. Flame away, but that's how I see it.