The Hurly opened last week, so with reports of clear sailing we jumped in the truck early yesterday morning and busted out of Whistler for a day trip. Parked at Jewel, rode up Gun Creek to the Cowboy Camp, then upper Grasslands, and back on the west spruce lake trail to Gun Meadows and back. Still pretty wet on Upper Grasslands, and lots of snow patches and pooling water on the Lake trail. Plenty of evidence of large carnivorous wildlife (tracks), we saw Griz, Cougar, and Wolf tracks in the mud. Gun Meadows is already dry and dusty, but awesome. Quite a bit of blowdown along Gun Creek trail, we cut out what we could with our handsaws, probably 20-30 more. Ran into Dale at the bottom of the Hurly and he said they're planning on clearing blowdown starting June 1. Great to get up there so early in the year!