I've been climbing AA up to C-Buster, the new Severed D entrance to the powerline then loop to the old Severd D entrance. Holy cow is that a FUN loop ! Getting to the top of Severed D without riding to Old Buck is a fantastic quick early weekend morning loop then get home to the family.
I don't know if AA was intended to have anyone climb it, but, it is one fun climbing trail. Seems that there was a need for a climbing trail on that side.
Seriously . . . the North Shore trails just get better and better !
Agreed on the fun factor. I have only climbed AA once, that was a while back before it's popularity sky-rocketed. Back then it was hike a bike up end of C-Buster, then up C-Buster to AA, up AA top of AA and onto C-Buster. Did this to find out where it began. Also had a granny gear on the bike at the time. Don't think I could do it with the current 1x10 setup.
I was still using the BP to lower AA to C-Buster loops, but might have to reconsider or be real careful with AA traffic bombing down. I would definitely yield to a downhill rider if I was climbing lower AA.
Need to get myself over to Fromme to explore the Dempsey area more, but having way too much fun on the Seymour. First world problems.