Posted by: Bull_Dozer
Posted by: grambo
Agree on pay parking. It also seems goofy to have a line of cars waiting to get in there to park (I get it if you have kids), at least most people seem to turn their cars off while waiting. I don't think there's any way to enforce kids/disabled only type thing, pay is probably the only way.
Unless I am going at first light on a weekend morning I don't bother with the parking lot anymore. I still prefer climbing mtn highway so I just park down on Coleman. Makes it easier to ride the stuff below the BP which reminds me I need to check out Lower Digger as I have been seeing good things on instagram.
Yeah I agree that pay parking is the only way to control the parking lot.
I've always wondered why people are waiting in like a 10 car line to get into the parking lot... turnover in the parking lot can't be that quick. Like you're really waiting for like 25 mins to get a parking spot just to avoid an extra 5 min climb from Coleman?
Maybe we should push for meter parking all the way down to Lynn Valley road while we are at it? Can we have something for free for once without the district putting their hands in our pockets? The lot was to take the the parking load off the streets for the local residents, adding pay parking won't accomplish anything except people paying for parking. Thanks to social media the North shore trails usage has been thru the roof in the last couple years. If people wanna sit in their car waiting for a spot that has a max parking time of 2 hours? ( correct me if I'm wrong on that ) that's their choice. This city has exploded and it's pretty much going to be the norm on weekends, line ups are the new normal, nothing we can do about that.
Last edited by: Brocklanders on Jan. 29, 2019, 9:56 a.m., edited 1 time in total.