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War in the Woods!

Sept. 13, 2015, 3 p.m.
Posts: 8935
Joined: Dec. 23, 2005

Slinky have you actually gone and seen the work?

Perhaps before people hang ol Digger out to dry with negative comments about his choice of materials and technique on a couple very small sections of trail they actually inspect it for themselves.

I just went and looked at it. There are three specific sections with concrete. Two new and one that was done earlier. We didn't hear any grumbling when Todd used concrete to salvage the very worn out log into the teeter.

I am betting that Todd has had to rebuilt the other two sections numerous times in the life of the trail this use of concrete would be an attempt to built something that won't need to be rebuilt numerous times again over and over.

One section you will always know is concrete the other as it weathers a bit and with some sprinkles of dirt a rider might never know it was used.

Ps the trail is closed right now so anyone going to look please plan in hiking.

Sept. 13, 2015, 3:18 p.m.
Posts: 985
Joined: Feb. 28, 2014

These are not private backyard trails anymore, and thus measures have to be taken to improve longevity. If it means some things have to be literally cemented into place, then there is probably a need for that. I'm a guy who lived and rode there for 10 years up until 2005. Back then it was somewhat busy. After spending a weekend there this past March, I probably saw 400+/- riders on Fromme and Seymour. That's insane. Numbers I can't even imagine anywhere outside a lift access bike park. This isn't the same area it was 10-15 years ago when it was still kinda quaint, it has changed greatly.

Sept. 13, 2015, 3:35 p.m.
Posts: 3676
Joined: Nov. 23, 2002

Digger does.

If you were Digger you would too.

That's fine, I'm not Digger and will stand by what I said. And to be clear I'm only saying that there may be exceptions where a builder doesn't get to do what they want to. It's not a free for all out there.

We don't know what our limits are, so to start something with the idea of being limited actually ends up limiting us.
Ellen Langer

Sept. 13, 2015, 3:38 p.m.
Posts: 8935
Joined: Dec. 23, 2005

This is not true.

There is no hidden agenda, no conspiracy, and this belief suggests you are not informed.


Sept. 13, 2015, 3:40 p.m.
Posts: 3676
Joined: Nov. 23, 2002

Slinky have you actually gone and seen the work?

Perhaps before people hang ol Digger out to dry with negative comments about his choice of materials and technique on a couple very small sections of trail they actually inspect it for themselves.

I just went and looked at it. There are three specific sections with concrete. Two new and one that was done earlier. We didn't hear any grumbling when Todd used concrete to salvage the very worn out log into the teeter.

I am betting that Todd has had to rebuilt the other two sections numerous times in the life of the trail this use of concrete would be an attempt to built something that won't need to be rebuilt numerous times again over and over.

One section you will always know is concrete the other as it weathers a bit and with some sprinkles of dirt a rider might never know it was used.

Ps the trail is closed right now so anyone going to look please plan in hiking.

This particular new spot no, but I've seen the others. Like I said previously I understand the reasoning behind it, I just don't necessarily agree with it. I'm also not trying to hang him out to dry,but none of us, even Digger, are without mistakes.

We don't know what our limits are, so to start something with the idea of being limited actually ends up limiting us.
Ellen Langer

Sept. 13, 2015, 3:46 p.m.
Posts: 3676
Joined: Nov. 23, 2002

These are not private backyard trails anymore, and thus measures have to be taken to improve longevity. If it means some things have to be literally cemented into place, then there is probably a need for that. I'm a guy who lived and rode there for 10 years up until 2005. Back then it was somewhat busy. After spending a weekend there this past March, I probably saw 400+/- riders on Fromme and Seymour. That's insane. Numbers I can't even imagine anywhere outside a lift access bike park. This isn't the same area it was 10-15 years ago when it was still kinda quaint, it has changed greatly.

This is true, the level of traffic has drastically changed and with it the wear and tear on the trails. This means that trail design and construction methods has to change as well. The other thing that needs to change is rider education and entitlement, not everyone gets to ride every trail they want to if they're not ready for it.

We don't know what our limits are, so to start something with the idea of being limited actually ends up limiting us.
Ellen Langer

Sept. 13, 2015, 5:18 p.m.
Posts: 14610
Joined: Dec. 16, 2003

i can understand the reasoning behind wanting to use concrete, but have to say i really don't think it has any place on the trail bed. if a line is such bad shape or falling apart that it needs concrete to hold it together then maybe the line should either be rebuilt or re-routed.

if it was re-routed or rebuilt there would still be the same amount of bitching about it so he might as well do as he pleases

seriously, just fucking ride your bike

Sept. 13, 2015, 5:21 p.m.
Posts: 262
Joined: May 13, 2014

Freeride Gods quoting Peter Gabriel? Someone will tell me that Wade Simmons likes Rush next :(

And tell me what is wrong with Rush. In any way. Peter Gabriel is a legend, as is Rush. You had better know your music and bands as Rush consistently sells out Wembley Stadium. If that is not an accomplishment, no less an endorsement of a good Canadian band that did not need CRTC rules to make them famous….I don't know what. Don't use Rush as an insult when they are one of the best that has ever been.

Sept. 13, 2015, 5:35 p.m.
Posts: 3676
Joined: Nov. 23, 2002

if it was re-routed or rebuilt there would still be the same amount of bitching about it so he might as well do as he pleases

seriously, just fucking ride your bike

We don't know what our limits are, so to start something with the idea of being limited actually ends up limiting us.
Ellen Langer

Sept. 13, 2015, 6:08 p.m.
Posts: 125
Joined: June 17, 2012

Internet witch hunts are chicken shit. please show proper respect.

You are right. I deleted my drunken rant from last night as it's embarrassing. I was an asshole. I have called Digger and apologised to him.

I'm going to log out now and keep it that way.

Sept. 13, 2015, 6:13 p.m.
Posts: 34258
Joined: Nov. 19, 2002

And tell me what is wrong with Rush. In any way. Peter Gabriel is a legend, as is Rush. You had better know your music and bands as Rush consistently sells out Wembley Stadium. If that is not an accomplishment, no less an endorsement of a good Canadian band that did not need CRTC rules to make them famous….I don't know what. Don't use Rush as an insult when they are one of the best that has ever been.

So true.

It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.
- Josiah Stamp

Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.
- H.G. Wells

Sept. 13, 2015, 6:29 p.m.
Posts: 3
Joined: July 21, 2008

You are right. I deleted my drunken rant from last night as it's embarrassing. I was an asshole. I have called Digger and apologised to him.

I'm going to log out now and keep it that way.

dude I've totally done drunk posts before. they never go well. the Internet is great for face plants.

thanks for getting in touch with digger. cheers

Sept. 13, 2015, 6:49 p.m.
Posts: 0
Joined: Aug. 12, 2007

And tell me what is wrong with Rush. In any way. Peter Gabriel is a legend, as is Rush. You had better know your music and bands as Rush consistently sells out Wembley Stadium. If that is not an accomplishment, no less an endorsement of a good Canadian band that did not need CRTC rules to make them famous….I don't know what. Don't use Rush as an insult when they are one of the best that has ever been.

The term 'good Canadian band' is a bit of an oxymoron :D

wow you are a ass

Sept. 13, 2015, 7:22 p.m.
Posts: 1
Joined: July 22, 2011

This morning I saw Todd and he was out of character for someone I've known for 20 odd years! Always a great person to run into on the trails and definitely someone to shoot the shit with.
That said! His trail, his doing ,so STFU!! He's been at this trail building shit for over 30 years from what I can recall so people need to show some respect. He doesn't come on these forums for a reason. Figure that out.
NSMBA should only have trail builders that ride build trails? That comment is the biggest douche bag shit I've ever heard. How long have you been building trails, riding? WTF!!
I certainly hope that Ladies continues to be one of the North Shores old school fun trails to ride. Does anyone remember when there was no entrance to the trail? Aging myself but so what.
I do understand that everyone is entitled to their opinions but sometimes people need to think before they speak/write!

Sept. 13, 2015, 7:57 p.m.
Posts: 20
Joined: Aug. 11, 2003

Diggers trail, Diggers call. if there was a better way to do it he'd have done it.

All you arm chair trail builders need a nice warm mug of STFU. Digger could just decide to decom ladies. who'd work on it then? you?

I wish I was an armchair builder and maintainer. My wife would rather that lol
No I don't build on the shore. I build on the island.
You are right and Digger should do what he wants. Anytime I've ridden the shore I've thought wow it's just like everywhere else I ride on the coast.. Love what the builders have done with the terrain and am grateful for it and their time.
I still agree with syncro in saying that concrete is generally not necessary. There are other ways.
To the builders that work on the shore… Thx for your work. I enjoy riding it but after reading the Woodrow thread and a few others am glad I don't have to live there

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