I live near the Fromme parking lot area and have no problem with riders/hikers/dog walkers parking on residential streets - it's a public place and I know where I live in regards to the moutnains and trailheads. Pretty much everyone has been very cool. I even had a guy walk up to apologise for his coarse language (his words, haha) when he saw my kids were outside playing.
I used to live in Los Angeles and have seen appalling behaviour as far as attitudes to street use and parking. Surfers and runners were/are massive entitled dicks. Look up the history of Manhattan Beach Sand Dune park issues - total shit show.
For some reason, this last 6 weeks have really brought the assclowns out.
I'm not sure what it is - it's not a side effect of me being inside and not riding - but there has been an increase in shitty, inconsiderate parking, total disregard for people and residents and a LOT of shuttles in the first 4 weeks until the enormous electronic sign went up. To a degree I've not seen.
There's a lot of residents who are tired of trucks driving completely into their driveways to turn around and of course, they're going to complain to the DNV about this. And it's 98% mountain bikers not hikers or walkers so the demographics are clear unfortunately and it kills me to see this as I know where this is going to head once the dust settles.
Loads of riders clumping when everyone in the area is taking so much care to distance or stay inside. Lynn Valley was an epicenter of the covid-19 BC outbreak here and everyone here has been connected to that to a large degree; so I agree that it's NIMBYism in a form but a NIMBY attitude during covid-19 seems to be a reasonable request considering what the Province has asked everyone to do.
I agree that the signage is completely inconsistent and the messaging is not thought out but I can also tell you that the signs are going up as a result of resident complaints not an overarching policy from the DNV - they are purely reacting. The infuriating thing is that it's going to be impossible to talk to the 'bad eggs' as they either don't use the same media outlets or just don't give a crap and just want to get theirs.
An example is a minivan that blasted through the no-shuttling sign 2 weeks ago, to park up by the Fromme gate and began to unload. I went to talk to them after a resident had come down to shout 'no unloading zone' at them. It was a family who wanted to ride and didn't want their kids to have to climb up part of Mountain Highway and decided that the signs didn't apply to them. It wasn't a lifted truck full of bros thumbing their noses at the man blasting tunes and drinking redbull (to use the worst of stereotypes that is generally thrown around). But all residents saw was a minivan loaded with MTBs who decided that they could do as they wished an that's all I'm seeing in terms of 'optics'. If you see assholes doing asshole stuff, it's down to you to regulate as well and call them out.