Ewan asked me to post this on this behalf as he is very relaxed post Christmas beers
Ewan feels very honoured by the nomination by his good friend TheDon and the good knowledgeable non-judgmental kind people at NSMB. However he wishes to remind his fanclub that it is ski season and lots of time during the rest of the year to put up trailwork pictures. He feels it is time for him to shred hundred of meters of virgin pow with his friends the CMHC Rogue Crew and of course THE Asian Adonis. And he sez "I have a real job now"
dalbello #intuitionliners #cantfeelmyfeet #powinmyface #loraxbesttrailever #tecnicablizzard #skibc #visitpemberton #touringbootsgofundme
i shoulda known you were a 2 planker.