My question is will there be a member vote on it?
The members of a society speak with their vote at the AGM for the directors.
My question is will there be a member vote on it?
The members of a society speak with their vote at the AGM for the directors.
The members of a society speak with their vote at the AGM for the directors.
None of us knew anything about this or where the people we elected stood on the matter.
The directors of the NSMBA are responsible for planning for the future of the organization, as well as managing its day to day activities.
I'm sure they'll pick someone good. Hopefully they'll approach Ewan.
I am alive. Here me roar
I guess one could call the submitted affidavit the 'Colbert Report'…
I'm here all day folks
Hey that's pretty good!
Freedom of contract. We sell them guns that kill them; they sell us drugs that kill us.
Perhaps if people had not threatened to gas and/or behead Mr. Colbert if he was to attend the NSMBA AGM, all of this information would have come out then. He has all the background of what happened. What a bunch of inglorious buggers running the shop both at 355 W Queens Rd and elsewhere.
Councillor Bond sold his friends up the river to save his political posterior and he sent them COD! You should run the SOB off the North Shore at risk of his shnozze being put into a pail of Richard Walton's Romano cheese wet farts!
Uncle Scrooge
Dude, get over yourself. No one threatened to gas you.
But I am hoping it's duck this xmas instead of turkey!
And its just the rules, not conspiracy.
You would not like duck.
I am serious.
Uncle Scrooge McDuck
Way over the line. You can bait Hazen if you want, but keep it clean.
welcome to the bottom of my post.
Have people been creating new NSMB accounts to start gossip threads since the beginning, or is this a new phenomenon?
The NSMBA message mentions restructuring. I'm interested how the new board will proceed with that and am confident they will let members know. When I used to be involved there was a goal of having two full time positions, an executive director and trail manager with a seasonal crew. Things have changed since then and I'm excited to see the direction they are heading.
Mark deserves a ton of respect for all of the reasons mentioned by previous posters. He doesn't deserve people gossiping about his employment status on an anonymous forum. If people want to continue the discussion, I'd suggest a change of the thread title and focus on what paid roles the NSMBA could establish that would best benefit the North Shore trails.
The NSMBA message mentions restructuring. I'm interested how the new board will proceed with that and am confident they will let members know.
Yeah, very interested. More full time peeps would be awesome but dunno if that's what this means. Sounds like they need a full time lawyer on staff these days! sigh :(
Shoot, didn't mean to derail this thread. My apologies folks. Won't happen again.
Back on topic, Mark has contributed more than his share to building on the shore but he has also ventured into BC's interior to spread his knowledge of trail building. I wish him all the best in the future and I hope to see him up in our neck of the woods in 2017.
YESSSS!!! Let's put pictures everywhere!
Maybe Mark will re-apply?!?! Surely he is the most qualified for the position. Maybe Digger will apply? Also equally qualified? Maybe Lee and Sharon? Haha, I know they're busy. Whoever it maybe be, it's sure to provide all the controversy that we have become so well know for here on the shore. My question is will there be a member vote on it? I'd like to vote!
So I'm not sure if he's available, but I'd like to nominate Ewan Fafard if he is. He's one of the greatest builders in BC if not currently the best. For those who aren't familiar with Ewan, he's the master builder behind such greats as Platinum , Asian Adonis, the Bear DH rebuild, Lorax, and one of the most impressive trail works of art, Squidline! Even though that trail is a "green trail", it's some of the most well thought out building around!
I don't know Ewan (although I know and love those trails!), so I'm not saying he is or isn't qualified, but it seems to me that this position's main purpose and qualifications do not center around trail building, although that certainly is a major factor.
They have one. Her name is Michelle Jones. She is running the day-to-day operations of the NSMBA right now.
Uncle Scrooge
That is a falsehood, sir, and you know it.
Ms. Jones is an employee of Lawson Lundell, the NSMBA's legal counsel. When I was on the board, their services were called upon when somebody threatened the NSMBA with litigation or made requests of the organization in such a way that the directors did not fee qualified to handle without counsel.
"I know that heroes ride bicycles" - Joe Biden
i have to admit i thought robbyrob new poster and uncle scrooge were the same guy…
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