If you’ve ridden the area around SexGirl below Fern recently you could not have missed the flagging and other preparations for development that that area is about to see.
This has been evolving for many years and, unfortunately, the trucks are going to roll in soon. The initial focus within the development zone will be the eastern portions - directly impacting lower SexGirl and the area around NNL (closed). It will spread west all the way to the bottom of Roach Hit, and well past, eventually.
All those lower trails will be impacted in some way, and I suspect that even those within the proposed “MTB Zone” will see changes. BPP is working with the MTB community to minimize the disruption in the meantime but there are three points to message right now:
Lower SexGirl below the area of where the step up used to be (which is no the end of a road) will be permanently closed soon below the OCM.
The area around NNL (closed) will also become a construction zone.
The very top of the construction zone will also include the OCM between the road and somewhere about in the middle of NNL and Trunk Monkey. A reroute of the OCM will be considered but the OCM as it is today will be closed soon.
I’m told that this area will be fenced next week and it appears that SG and the area around NNL will be per closed permanently. The OCM will be usable until sometime in January but will be rerouted in the meantime to keep the line usable after its original line is closed
So heads up, time is ticking to ride these trails. Get them while you can. While it’s a pisser this is happening, the positive is that BPP is working with the community for the best outcome possible and to ease the transition as much as possible