Posted by: heckler
Those links lead to much more than “come volunteer at a trailday”. I am sure your local trail org is looking for dedicated volunteers to lead trail-days or take on your own trail once said dedication and perseverance is demonstrated. Pipeline is a great example, as are the guys working the DH trails on Cypress.
More detail here, although you didn't answer my question. This list has grown into a great crew over the past fifteen years!
That list is pretty out of date.
To silverbanshees point, the NSMBA is reasonably good at getting volunteers to come out to trail days but falls short when it comes to retaining those repeat volunteers and transitioning them to TAP leaders. There is a draft builder onboarding process in the works, but there is no timeline on its implementation.
If there are sanctioned trails that need a builder, nobody is asking for people to fill those roles. IMO all the popular trails have builders assigned already. New builders can be added to the permit, but they are often looking to make their own contributions on different trails and want their own trail to work on. Ideally, more unsanctioned trails become sanctioned and space is created for those new, motivated builders.
Funding is another issue entirely. I think builders on the shore build and maintain trails regardless of any stipend provided, but some appreciate a little extra cash.