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Sept. 25, 2016, 8:44 a.m.
Posts: 4
Joined: March 16, 2008

It's creeping down… I like that.

What's everyone's skis of choice out there nowadays and for what terrain??
Anyone been able to A/B compare the Full-Tilts to the Dalbellos??
What's new in the world of skis for you??
Skinning or spinning??
Thoughts on this years pukage vs last years pukage??

Trying to get this sub-forum lit up… It does say for "ALL YOUR E-POW", so, well, come on :rave:

STOKED!!!! :rocker::banana:

Le Sanch

"I'm addicted to surfing."

Sept. 25, 2016, 9:06 a.m.
Posts: 21
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002


Sept. 25, 2016, 10:50 a.m.
Posts: 16444
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

Up here the snow line appears on HBM in late august

Snow wise during the winter I have noticed that when its going off down there it ain't going off up here and vis versa, hopefully there willl be more snow than last year

I got a lot of skis for any conditions but I scored another set of hybrid Lotus 120's for cheap so I have them in 2 sizes with dynafits [HTML_REMOVED] barons and so I will probably on those the most if the conditions pan out as they are suposed to , if not i got FIS GS race skis, DH skis, light touring setups, super light touring setups or even telemark if I wana punish myself

Fulltilt vs Dalbellos: Back in 2010 I wanted FT's so I went to Destination on Marine dr, buddy (older guy) took a look at my foot (wide flat fore foot/narrow heel/skinny ankle[HTML_REMOVED] leg /high instep and said "I'm not even gona try those on ya because they wouldn't fit without a lot of work, try this Dallbelo" it wasn't quite right but I did I end up with a different Dalbello from Fanatyk in whistler

I think both those brands come with Intuition liners which saves a bunch of $$$ insted of buying them after market but REALLY the key to good ski boot fit is a great fitter who can look at your foot and know what shell will fit your foot and notice I said 2010 because maybe the last has changed in 6 yrs SO I would go to those stores and see what they say

I did get lucky buying AT boots on the interent but I don't recommend it unless you really know what fits you, ferinstance say you have had a lange foot for the last 20 yrs so they all fit the same even their new AT boot fits like all the alpine boots have for years so get em cheap wherever you can

the ski swap season comes before the ski season, a local guide with discerning taste in ski gear on which he gets the pro deals and passes on had a big garage sale which has paid off big time in the past so I picked up a nice set of new BD gloves/Voile shovel/MSR pack towel/lowe pro wallet for [HTML_REMOVED]30$

Sept. 25, 2016, 6:56 p.m.
Posts: 4
Joined: March 16, 2008

Up here the snow line appears on HBM in late august

Snow wise during the winter I have noticed that when its going off down there it ain't going off up here and vis versa, hopefully there willl be more snow than last year

I got a lot of skis for any conditions but I scored another set of hybrid Lotus 120's for cheap so I have them in 2 sizes with dynafits [HTML_REMOVED] barons and so I will probably on those the most if the conditions pan out as they are suposed to , if not i got FIS GS race skis, DH skis, light touring setups, super light touring setups or even telemark if I wana punish myself

Fulltilt vs Dalbellos: Back in 2010 I wanted FT's so I went to Destination on Marine dr, buddy (older guy) took a look at my foot (wide flat fore foot/narrow heel/skinny ankle[HTML_REMOVED] leg /high instep and said "I'm not even gona try those on ya because they wouldn't fit without a lot of work, try this Dallbelo" it wasn't quite right but I did I end up with a different Dalbello from Fanatyk in whistler

I think both those brands come with Intuition liners which saves a bunch of $$$ insted of buying them after market but REALLY the key to good ski boot fit is a great fitter who can look at your foot and know what shell will fit your foot and notice I said 2010 because maybe the last has changed in 6 yrs SO I would go to those stores and see what they say

I did get lucky buying AT boots on the interent but I don't recommend it unless you really know what fits you, ferinstance say you have had a lange foot for the last 20 yrs so they all fit the same even their new AT boot fits like all the alpine boots have for years so get em cheap wherever you can

the ski swap season comes before the ski season, a local guide with discerning taste in ski gear on which he gets the pro deals and passes on had a big garage sale which has paid off big time in the past so I picked up a nice set of new BD gloves/Voile shovel/MSR pack towel/lowe pro wallet for [HTML_REMOVED]30$

Awesome post…

I'm keen on the FT vs Dalbello equation due to the 3 piece concept and flex tongue. I like the idea. I'm formerly a Tecnica cat, but willing to try some new kicks on this year. I've had some steel planted into my ankle from a surgery a while ago and will likely need to re-establish "the right boot".

FT formerly Raichle were known for narrow lasts. They've opened their game up a bit now to offer 102mm as opposed to the industry narrow standard 98mm. I'm gonna check them out - I like the idea of an interchangeable tongue, but hey, really - am I gonna use it?? (Doubtful - set it and hit it). Dalbello look mighty fine - and ya, they either come with this FIT I.D. liner or the Intuition liners. Both brands offer custom liners.

I'm just wondering if anyone's had recent experience with either… Heard the FTs leaked a fair bit of water on warmer days, interesting.

4frnt all the way here - Hoji, Kye, Renegade, Raven. Also snagged a pair of new Prior DB3 for the season - support the local outfit, interested to see how they hold up. Of all the bomb blasting and hucks are hard lines I've charged, 4frnt have always been choice skis that take a beating and just don't give up. KILLER skis. Hoping Prior delivers the goods.

Pumped!! Been 4 years since I've skied - can't wait to get back out there and give 'er. Not too concerned about picking it back up - skied since I was 3 - professionally - big mountain - yada yada - should come back fairly quickly….

Le Sanch

"I'm addicted to surfing."

Sept. 25, 2016, 10:59 p.m.
Posts: 15019
Joined: April 5, 2007

I have a pair of Dalbello Krypton I.D. Series boots. I'm a Knuckle-dragger first, Gaper second. The Dalbello boots have replaceable footboards and tongues as well. Destination told me Dalbello fits my foot better than FT does so I went that route. Kevin @ Fanatyko got me setup with my boots. Mel @Destination helped as well. Both solid fitters.

I didn't realize that the FOON Typhoon ski was both that wide and that pricey. I'm mildly interested in a pair of J Skis if I ever get something new. (Likely not)
The lady friend had all her skis stolen outta her storage locker this spring. She's looking at a pair of DPS

I'll be on:
Salomon Sick Stick 160cm w/Rome Targas
Line Sir Francis Bacon 178cm??? w/Tyrolia AAAttack 13s (I need to mount the bindings further back!!!)
HPD ITP 9'0"

Why slag free swag?:rolleyes:

ummm, as your doctor i recommend against riding with a scaphoid fracture.

Sept. 25, 2016, 11:57 p.m.
Posts: 4
Joined: March 16, 2008

I have a pair of Dalbello Krypton I.D. Series boots. I'm a Knuckle-dragger first, Gaper second. The Dalbello boots have replaceable footboards and tongues as well. Destination told me Dalbello fits my foot better than FT does so I went that route. Kevin @ Fanatyko got me setup with my boots. Mel @Destination helped as well. Both solid fitters.

I didn't realize that the FOON Typhoon ski was both that wide and that pricey. I'm mildly interested in a pair of J Skis if I ever get something new. (Likely not)
The lady friend had all her skis stolen outta her storage locker this spring. She's looking at a pair of DPS

I'll be on:
Salomon Sick Stick 160cm w/Rome Targas
Line Sir Francis Bacon 178cm??? w/Tyrolia AAAttack 13s (I need to mount the bindings further back!!!)
HPD ITP 9'0"

Ya, the Dalbellos are getting the nod from several cats I've asked as of late… You know, outside of the typical/standard overlap style boot. I'm just up for trying something different - and with the added metal installed in my lower leg, it was recommended I look into these as a "starting point" before going into the boa constrictor style wrap cuff/last style typical boots.

I know Chilton… He and his wife, great dude great couple. His skis (Foon) are so expensive because he makes each pair individually and by hand. Christ before I left he was still perimeter pressing each ski's edge with mini-vices around the entire circumference in a climate controlled booth!! That was a few years ago and I know he's stepped up production, but it's small output. Highly custom. And man, the guy is a wood fanatic - first real set/model of publicly offered skis (well, offered to his closest mates) was from a naturally fallen provincially protected heritage tree that fell on Blackcomb years ago. So the story goes - but to my understanding and witness of matters, it was fact. He wanted that wood BAD!!!! And he got it. Helluva timber to bring home lemme tell ya.

I'll pop in and see Kev at FanatykCo this week. Also Sam and crew at Surefoot. I've got a fairly standard shaped steak - not too narrow - not too flat or wide - and god knows I can jam them into torture clamps (ie: racing provincials back in the 80s and then moving into the "extreme ski movement" wearing Lange's 2 sizes too small, losing toe nails every season, and just thinking this was the way it was…). May even end up back with the Cochise 130, but I'll give Dalb and FT a thorough look upfront and centre.

PUNKY, Sir Francis Bacons…. Nice!!!!

I'm jazzed about these zany DB3s - crazy ass skis - 21mm taper or something like that. I'll either love 'em or CL them after the first day I am sure. Love or loathe, it'll be black or white - no grey area me thinks. But Chris and I had a good chat the other day…he thinks they'll be tits for my style of "go-to" daily commuters and in the rough. I'm just jazzed to give the local outfit a chance…suppose it's just a matter of time now.

Peace Gentry!!
Le Sanch

"I'm addicted to surfing."

Sept. 26, 2016, 12:04 a.m.
Posts: 4
Joined: March 16, 2008

PS: Choice of clamps are the AAATack/Ty 18 or the Vist Pro 1018

I run my DINs at 15/16.5 ski dependent, and this has no Freudian relationship to being poorly endowed as a man; just in case I left myself open for debate there :fruit:

"I'm addicted to surfing."

Sept. 26, 2016, 12:46 a.m.
Posts: 0
Joined: May 25, 2006

Me and the wife are building our first touring setups this year, and we're crazy stoked. We vowed to get skis after spending last winter plodding about on the heavy, full-crampon snowshoes we brought with us in our recent move from Montreal. They're great for the tight, gnarly, icy trails we used them on out east, but are absolutely brutal for the conditions around here.

Both of us come from a mountaineering background, so we're no strangers to the backcountry, but it's insanely daunting-and expensive-to be getting into a whole other sport. I've ordered a couple PIEPS/BD avalanche kits along with two pairs of black Vipec bindings (got a really good deal on them and I like their DIN certification), and am currently hunting for good deals on planks. Not sure how that's going to turn out, since a lot of the used skis around here seem to come with bindings.

The new G3 Findr 102s are the current leading candidate for new skis, but hopefully I can find a deal on something cheaper. Would love to get a set of DPS Wailer 106s, but they're too rich for my blood. I may hit up the upcoming Vancouver ski swap to see what's there.

On the boot side, our first move is to visit with Tom at Intuition to get his take on what boots might work with our feet. I normally fit my own footwear, but this is both so unknown and such a huge investment that I want some professional help. :lol: I really like the features of the Sportiva Spectres on paper, but who knows how they'll actually fit.

It's a lot of work and a lot of money to get set up properly, but I know that it'll all be worth it once we're out in the hills.

Sept. 26, 2016, 6:22 a.m.
Posts: 16444
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

it's insanely daunting-and expensive-to be getting into a whole other sport. I've ordered a couple PIEPS/BD avalanche kits along with two pairs of black Vipec bindings (got a really good deal on them and I like their DIN certification), and am currently hunting for good deals on planks. Not sure how that's going to turn out, since a lot of the used skis around here seem to come with bindings.

yeah buying at least used ski [HTML_REMOVED] skins when the season is over is cheaper, so far thats been DPS and Dynafit skis and I've had good deals on new dynafit bindings

I am seeing more people sell off old skis with the skins that were cut for the ski which is great, skins trimmed wall to wall for max base coverage is the best or at least straight cut that cover the full base width underfoot cuz struggling with poor coverage on an icy skin track sucks

I think the spectres are supposed to be a pretty soft boot if thats what you like?

If they fit you the Scarpa Maestrale or the RS are a hugely popular boot, they have real dynafit tech fittings, will already come with Intuition liners and are not too badly priced I would have bought them if they fit me… I ended up in Vulcans

Sept. 26, 2016, 9:20 a.m.
Posts: 299
Joined: June 21, 2010

Up in Dease Lake right now, Snowed 6 inches on site yesterday, mostly melted off the south sides. Looks like a week of cold is coming up, could be the first snap that locks in the bottom of the snowpack! I'd prefer about 2 weeks of 10-20deg C, and then snow away (we're drilling, cold is lame)

Sept. 26, 2016, 1:51 p.m.
Posts: 1779
Joined: July 11, 2014

Another guy on the 4FRNT train here. Retired my OG 2010/11 Renegades and picked up a new pair of 15/16 for cheap last spring that I haven't skied on yet. Put the newer Salomon Guardians with the floating AFD so I can use them with my touring boots. Also have a pair of Hojis with Dyanfit Radicals for touring. Hard snow ski for railing is an OG Blizzard Cochise with STH916s.

I'm still using two pairs of boots. 6 year old Tecnica Dragon somethings with a few years old Intuition luxury liner plus Maestrale RS for touring. Curious to see how the Maestrale's do on the Renegades/Guardians.

Hoping for a banger La Nina! But I still want to bike a bunch more, not mentally ready for ski season yet.

Sept. 26, 2016, 2:26 p.m.
Posts: 0
Joined: May 25, 2006

yeah buying at least used ski [HTML_REMOVED] skins when the season is over is cheaper, so far thats been DPS and Dynafit skis and I've had good deals on new dynafit bindings

I am seeing more people sell off old skis with the skins that were cut for the ski which is great, skins trimmed wall to wall for max base coverage is the best or at least straight cut that cover the full base width underfoot cuz struggling with poor coverage on an icy skin track sucks

I think the spectres are supposed to be a pretty soft boot if thats what you like?

If they fit you the Scarpa Maestrale or the RS are a hugely popular boot, they have real dynafit tech fittings, will already come with Intuition liners and are not too badly priced I would have bought them if they fit me… I ended up in Vulcans

I've definitely read that the Spectres run soft, yeah. Since I'm new to the skiing world, though, I don't see that as a major dealbreaker - what's more alarming is that a bunch of the V1.0 Spectres are having major problems with longevity. No small number of user reviews talk about various parts breaking within a year of use, which is disconcerting.

The Maestrale and RS are definitely both interesting, and I really like the inclusion of an Intuition liner, but the (relatively) limited ROM of 37° sort of throws me off when I expect to be doing a lot of uphill travel in them. Still, I'll give one or both a try and see if they fit. I'd like something with a 60° ROM such as the Spectre or TLTs, but who knows what'll actually fit. I do wish buying used boots was more of an option, since I learned that getting a shop-independent evaluation and fitting is going to cost $150+ for the wife and I. Can't say I was expecting it would be that much, but you get what you pay for.

So far, I have seen almost no one around the Vancouver region selling their old touring planks without bindings. I hope to be checking out the G3 factory sale this weekend, so maybe that'll turn up something useful.

… Eh, maybe snowshoes aren't that bad. :lol:

Sept. 26, 2016, 3:08 p.m.
Posts: 16444
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

I've definitely read that the Spectres run soft, yeah. Since I'm new to the skiing world, though, I don't see that as a major dealbreaker - what's more alarming is that a bunch of the V1.0 Spectres are having major problems with longevity. No small number of user reviews talk about various parts breaking within a year of use, which is disconcerting.

The Maestrale and RS are definitely both interesting, and I really like the inclusion of an Intuition liner, but the (relatively) limited ROM of 37° sort of throws me off when I expect to be doing a lot of uphill travel in them. Still, I'll give one or both a try and see if they fit. I'd like something with a 60° ROM such as the Spectre or TLTs, but who knows what'll actually fit. I do wish buying used boots was more of an option, since I learned that getting a shop-independent evaluation and fitting is going to cost $150+ for the wife and I. Can't say I was expecting it would be that much, but you get what you pay for.

So far, I have seen almost no one around the Vancouver region selling their old touring planks without bindings. I hope to be checking out the G3 factory sale this weekend, so maybe that'll turn up something useful.

… Eh, maybe snowshoes aren't that bad. :lol:

rather than paying 150$ i would just go to either Fanatyk or destination and see if they got anything that will fit you, if they do and you buy they do the fitting for free its in their best interest to not sell you a boot that doesn't fit

I liked Fanatyk cuz I was in whistler for a month so it would have been possible to come in right off the slope for a tweak but the fitter got it right the first time.

Sept. 26, 2016, 7:20 p.m.
Posts: 4
Joined: March 16, 2008

Another guy on the 4FRNT train here. Retired my OG 2010/11 Renegades and picked up a new pair of 15/16 for cheap last spring that I haven't skied on yet. Put the newer Salomon Guardians with the floating AFD so I can use them with my touring boots. Also have a pair of Hojis with Dyanfit Radicals for touring. Hard snow ski for railing is an OG Blizzard Cochise with STH916s.

I'm still using two pairs of boots. 6 year old Tecnica Dragon somethings with a few years old Intuition luxury liner plus Maestrale RS for touring. Curious to see how the Maestrale's do on the Renegades/Guardians.

Hoping for a banger La Nina! But I still want to bike a bunch more, not mentally ready for ski season yet.

I hear ya… I've got lots of biking left in me - especially with this current loamy damp cooler weather - I just ground a killer ride out today - perfect temps, perfect condies - sadly, snapped my chain. Least I was 80% done and mostly "down" but had to get the wife to collect me at the exit.

But ya, JAZZED about skiing - but biking is just, well, you know….the rush you get from non-stop grinding climbs then flowy tech sections and bitchin' downs is just a drug unto itself. I felt so good today - didn't give a rats ass about the broken chain. SUCH a good ride!! (Rode the TA1 for those wondering - was this close to thinking it was time to cull the pair and keep the ReignA1 but after a day like today?? The speed?? Flickabilty?? Agility and just whippy snap that thing has?? Hard to let go. Real hard. So I won't).

Bike Co. fixed her up fast - also added a half-taco bash guard to the bottom section of the front ring :fix:

Will take the MeanGreenMachine (ReignA1) out this week though for another round of A/B comparos.

Peace y'all!!
Le Sanch

"I'm addicted to surfing."

Sept. 26, 2016, 9:41 p.m.
Posts: 1781
Joined: Feb. 26, 2015

Going with these ambitions this winter.
Super similar to the freerides. Mine are burned out and broke down on me twice last winter.

People always ask me what's the phenomenon
Yo what's up? Yo what's goin' on- Adam Yauch

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