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2015 Fiver Feedback / 2016 planning

Nov. 23, 2015, 4:06 p.m.
Posts: 8935
Joined: Dec. 23, 2005

So what did you like? What didn't you like?

Hit me with your feedback on the 2015 Fivers.

I am starting the planning process (presuming I get voted back onto the BOD for 2016) and like to reflect before moving ahead.

Some 2016 stuff I'd like to toss out there.

The season starts off with a couple of Saturday or Sunday Fivers in April. The bulk of the season is Thursday nights in May, June, July, early Aug. Then a Saturday or Sunday in Sept/Oct and a final close out with Halloween becoming an annual. Thinking a max of 12 events. Hinges on getting enough sponsors. Or we do some of the Saturday's without sponsor and no apres food provided.


Oh and come vote for me at the AGM so I can make it happen eh :)

Nov. 23, 2015, 4:19 p.m.
Posts: 1558
Joined: Feb. 17, 2009

Vote for Brian!!!!

Long Live Brian!!!

Long Live NSMBA Timed Events!!!

Having a "non-race speed" technical course option at some of the events would be interesting and allow people to discover trails that they wouldn't otherwise ride. I know that this was the hope for the Halloween event this year, and I believe that there is value in keeping the idea to implement in 2016.

"I know that heroes ride bicycles" - Joe Biden

Nov. 23, 2015, 6:32 p.m.
Posts: 228
Joined: Nov. 28, 2010

Brian for Prime Minister!! My votes for you dude. As for the Fivers, All the boys and I love these things and look forward to them every week. Maybe a little tweak with the signage(trail markers) Maybe we could tie some neon arrows on trees etc Also, it would be cool if someone wanted to donate a large monitor so people could see the results live at the table without pestering anyone(i'm guilty of this!) Tmack and my GRUDGE MATCH shall live on in 2016!!!

Nov. 23, 2015, 7:31 p.m.
Posts: 1026
Joined: June 26, 2012

All I can say is keep it up! The current formula is a winner. With both mountains in the mix next season, a good 50/50 split of race venues would be great.

Also, I like the idea of Course B and would be happy to see that carried out next year. And I also think pulling the plug on Course B on Halloween was the right call and came as a relief. But it was fun to pre-ride some trails I would normally not ride and it's nice to be encouraged to explore.

While it may be beyond your personal mandate, I think there is potential to hold non-racing ride events concurrently with the Fivers, with everyone sharing the after-bbq. Things like scavenger hunts, fun rides, learn-to-race clinics, etc. The best thing about the Fivers is the sense of community they foster, and it would be a good opportunity to further the reach.

Nov. 23, 2015, 8:52 p.m.
Posts: 141
Joined: July 31, 2009

I know some people expressed preference that the schedule be bi-weekly. Rather than sometimes weekly and others bi-weekly.

Nov. 23, 2015, 10:01 p.m.
Posts: 228
Joined: Nov. 28, 2010

Bi weekly?!? How about twice a week? Haha! Not sure why anyone would want less fivers.

Nov. 24, 2015, 9 a.m.
Posts: 141
Joined: July 31, 2009

Bi weekly?!? How about twice a week? Haha! Not sure why anyone would want less fivers.

Weekly would be fine if there was sponsors and adequate volunteers (and a clone of Brian/Maya) to host that many events.

The reason people were suggesting fortnightly is to have consistency to the schedule.

Nov. 24, 2015, 9:43 a.m.
Posts: 402
Joined: Nov. 28, 2002

Really enjoyed the events I went to this year - great job overall.


  • Race format
  • Instant print outs of times (although what did that sticker paper cost? maybe a receipt printer would be better!)
  • Ability to get an RFID card for the season and just tap in to skip the line
  • Weekday evening schedule
  • Great vollie crew

Possible improvements:

  • Legit beer garden / more food / more social - sometimes we stayed to socialise, sometimes we really needed food so bailed to go to the pub.
Nov. 24, 2015, 10:10 a.m.
Posts: 8935
Joined: Dec. 23, 2005

Really enjoyed the events I went to this year - great job overall.


  • Race format
  • Instant print outs of times (although what did that sticker paper cost? maybe a receipt printer would be better!)
  • Ability to get an RFID card for the season and just tap in to skip the line
  • Weekday evening schedule
  • Great vollie crew

Possible improvements:

  • Legit beer garden / more food / more social - sometimes we stayed to socialise, sometimes we really needed food so bailed to go to the pub.

The label printer and stickers were a craiglist find. A great deal on the printer that came with a huge roll of the stickers. Turns out yes the rolls of specific stickers for the printer are expensive. We'll put it back on craigslist and be getting a receipt printer for 2016.

Going to work on the beer garden, we'll see how the permitting turns out.

Noted on more food.

Nov. 24, 2015, 10:12 a.m.
Posts: 8935
Joined: Dec. 23, 2005

Weekly would be fine if there was sponsors and adequate volunteers (and a clone of Brian/Maya) to host that many events.

The reason people were suggesting fortnightly is to have consistency to the schedule.

Adding the early season weekends and late season weekends should allow us to go back to a bi-weekly schedule.

Yes we would need many more sponsors to step up to cover a full weekly series all summer.

Consistency of bi-weekly is great and worked well in 2014.

Nov. 24, 2015, 10:16 a.m.
Posts: 5066
Joined: Nov. 25, 2002

i like the a/b course option concept. not necessarily every event, but provide an easier option when you want to utilize knarlier segments. attendance did seem to drop off when we raced stuff like ladies. good to accommodate a wide range of abilities.

otherwise they kicked ass. halloween was very cool.

Nov. 24, 2015, 10:22 a.m.
Posts: 8935
Joined: Dec. 23, 2005

Maybe a little tweak with the signage(trail markers) Maybe we could tie some neon arrows on trees etc Also, it would be cool if someone wanted to donate a large monitor so people could see the results live at the table without pestering anyone(i'm guilty of this!) Tmack and my GRUDGE MATCH shall live on in 2016!!!

Do people look at the maps? I want to keep signage and marking to a minimum as it's more work in the set up and sweep. Are neon arrows better than flagging tape? I would like to make it fool proof, but the one issue is not blocking intersections for other trail users.

Definitely need to work out more on the course marking.

Yes a monitor would be rad. We have the little portable battery now so the monitor can be integrated. The software covers the ability to stream just results to a 2nd monitor so we're just missing the monitor.

More Grudge matches needed.

Nov. 24, 2015, 10:26 a.m.
Posts: 8935
Joined: Dec. 23, 2005

All I can say is keep it up! The current formula is a winner. With both mountains in the mix next season, a good 50/50 split of race venues would be great.

Also, I like the idea of Course B and would be happy to see that carried out next year. And I also think pulling the plug on Course B on Halloween was the right call and came as a relief. But it was fun to pre-ride some trails I would normally not ride and it's nice to be encouraged to explore.

While it may be beyond your personal mandate, I think there is potential to hold non-racing ride events concurrently with the Fivers, with everyone sharing the after-bbq. Things like scavenger hunts, fun rides, learn-to-race clinics, etc. The best thing about the Fivers is the sense of community they foster, and it would be a good opportunity to further the reach.

50/50 Fromme Seymour will happen for 2016.

Yes the A - B course options will happen a few times.

For adding social rides to the mix we'll need someone to step up and help organize that. I feel that I have just enough bandwidth to handle the Fivers that I have planned for 2016. It can happen as "committee" member under the Races BOD no need to step up and be a full director. If anyone knows anyone that wants to really make that happen please get in touch.

Nov. 24, 2015, 11:46 a.m.
Posts: 2116
Joined: Aug. 4, 2009

More Grudge matches needed.

Oh don't you worry…

Nov. 24, 2015, 5:10 p.m.
Posts: 402
Joined: Nov. 28, 2002

Do people look at the maps? I want to keep signage and marking to a minimum as it's more work in the set up and sweep. Are neon arrows better than flagging tape? I would like to make it fool proof, but the one issue is not blocking intersections for other trail users.

Definitely need to work out more on the course marking.

Definitely looked at the maps but they work best for those who already know the area. I ran across people who missed turns. For one of the stages that was simply Pingu and a right hand turn onto the Baden to finish, I met a rider who went all the way down Pangor and thus missed the finish of the initial stage and the entire next stage!

What about supplementing flagging with some flour or chalk lines? Pretty simple, doesn't need someone to take it down later, and hopefully noticeable enough that you shouldn't go down a trail blocked by a flour line?

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