In times of war, you wouldnt even be here for this to be taking place, because the reality of it is, (expletive), you got taken out. I think the whole rematch thing is cool, because they want to do it, and its worth the money and everybody wants to see a big money fight, but Im just thinking its (expletive) up, because Ive lost a lot of funny decisions in my career, and I know I could beat anybody I lost to, and I never got a rematch. This guys getting babied.
Georges is full of (expletive), Diaz said. Theyre all full of (expletive). I want to be the first one to speak up (on St-Pierre): Youre a (expletive) bully. You know youre going to hold that little-ass Irish man down and take his money. Get your ass up to your weight class, and Conor McGregors out of line trying to fight big-ass people.
I can see why people think nate isn't too smart. I get it .. keep it real.. its not like he is wrong or anything..but why bite the hand that feeds you so hard? If the guy could just keep some of his opinions to himself and then show up and fight his fight he would make more money. If you are getting hit professionally… Isn't that what is all about?