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The Decline of Vancouver.

Dec. 17, 2021, 9:32 a.m.
Posts: 3679
Joined: Nov. 23, 2002


Some good points. I think what would help a lot is a return to government subsidized housing/co-ops. The Feds significantly reduced their investment in social housing starting almost 40yrs ago and that probably has had an effect on where we are now. One of the benefits of social housing is that it doesn't have to return a profit  and simply operates at cost, so it provides an opportunity to for lower income families to have good basic housing at reasonable rents.

Dec. 17, 2021, 11:14 a.m.
Posts: 3847
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Posted by: syncro

40yrs ago

Interesting how that coincides with the Reagan/Thatcher "revolution".

Dec. 17, 2021, 6:21 p.m.
Posts: 665
Joined: March 9, 2005

Actually, Vancouver's housing problems can be traced directly to 1986 and Expo, we wanted to show the world and we did, cheap real estate perfect for the picking of Chinese millionaires with nowhere to hide their ill-gotten money a compliant pair of governments and voila our current housing crisis. the solution is simple but politically and socially difficult to pull off, make foreign ownership of real estate illegal and give all foreigner who own real estate here 12 months to dispose of all holdings. The price will correct in short order and the developers will kick and scream but our children will be able to purchase a house somewhere near where they grew up. They'll have to work hard to afford one but it will be obtainable.

Dec. 18, 2021, 10:34 a.m.
Posts: 3679
Joined: Nov. 23, 2002

Posted by: wizardB

Actually, Vancouver's housing problems can be traced directly to 1986 and Expo, we wanted to show the world and we did, cheap real estate perfect for the picking of Chinese millionaires with nowhere to hide their ill-gotten money a compliant pair of governments and voila our current housing crisis. the solution is simple but politically and socially difficult to pull off, make foreign ownership of real estate illegal and give all foreigner who own real estate here 12 months to dispose of all holdings. The price will correct in short order and the developers will kick and scream but our children will be able to purchase a house somewhere near where they grew up. They'll have to work hard to afford one but it will be obtainable.

Our problems can maybe be traced back to Expo, but putting it all on Chinese millionaires is a trope. There are a lot of reasons why our housing prices are out of control and foreign money, including ill-gotten money, is only one of them. I do think that psychologically some of the buying frenzies we saw back in 2015-2016 had a significant impact on the market, but again it was not the whole story. For the most part, locals have been buying the bulk of the housing here.

Other factors include historically low interest rates over a long period and population growth. A few years back someone posted some data that housing starts are growing faster than population and some recent posts about housing had me curious about that so I did some checking. 

From 2003-2021 there were 383,723 housing starts in Metro Van - that includes all types. Over the same period the population grew by 565,000 persons. Considering other factors like younger adults leaving the family home, it's fair to say that housing starts have either barely kept up or not kept up with population growth. 

With where we are now, even a 50% drop in home prices would still not bring the market back into alignment with median income levels in Metro Van. I think a correction is bound to happen and on some levels am a bit surprised it hasn't happened already, but when it does I don't see a drop of 50%. Unfortunately the number one thing driving housing is population increase, and as long as Vancouver remains a desirable place to live and people with money are willing to buy at the current price levels things are not going to change and we can probably expect to see more price increases. It sucks, but Vancouver is not longer the sleepy hollow it once was, it is now and international destination and with that comes high housing costs.

Dec. 18, 2021, 10:40 a.m.
Posts: 729
Joined: Oct. 23, 2003

Canada keeps bringing in immigrants, which as a former immigrant this has me perplexed cause on the one hand I feel like the countrys full (as evidenced by you housing starts and the exorbitant prices the limited amount of housing that does exist is renting and selling for) and on the other hand... nah, thats kinda it. we should probably stop trying to increase the population in a place where shits fucking full man.

Dec. 18, 2021, 10:58 a.m.
Posts: 729
Joined: Oct. 23, 2003

or build more houses i guess

Dec. 18, 2021, 11:29 a.m.
Posts: 16444
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

Never mind Vangroovy I think you will find house prices have gone way up everywhere for the interior of BC

they have pretty much doubled in the 10 years  since the last minor downturn in smithers and  PG went crazy too

Dec. 18, 2021, 12:48 p.m.
Posts: 729
Joined: Oct. 23, 2003

It's a seemingly global phenomenon. real estate be crazy everywhere.. except winipeg

Dec. 18, 2021, 3:12 p.m.
Posts: 3818
Joined: Aug. 22, 2005

Posted by: Adam-West

or build more houses i guess

Fewer of the 7 figure + luxury homes that are popping up in my neighbourhood might help. But people are buying them so what do I know.

Dec. 18, 2021, 3:38 p.m.
Posts: 6411
Joined: April 10, 2005

My cousin & her daughter just bought a house together in Prince Rupert. She said of course the prices there are nothing like here in the Vangroovy area, but they are still stupidly high.

Dec. 19, 2021, 5:44 p.m.
Posts: 13941
Joined: Jan. 27, 2003

Posted by: Adam-West

Canada keeps bringing in immigrants, which as a former immigrant this has me perplexed cause on the one hand I feel like the countrys full (as evidenced by you housing starts and the exorbitant prices the limited amount of housing that does exist is renting and selling for) and on the other hand... nah, thats kinda it. we should probably stop trying to increase the population in a place where shits fucking full man.

We have to bring in immigrants because our generation isn't having enough kids so there won't be enough people working to pay the federal pensions.

Dec. 19, 2021, 7 p.m.
Posts: 16444
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

Posted by: Fast-Orange

Posted by: Adam-West

Canada keeps bringing in immigrants, which as a former immigrant this has me perplexed cause on the one hand I feel like the countrys full (as evidenced by you housing starts and the exorbitant prices the limited amount of housing that does exist is renting and selling for) and on the other hand... nah, thats kinda it. we should probably stop trying to increase the population in a place where shits fucking full man.

We have to bring in immigrants because our generation isn't having enough kids so there won't be enough people working to pay the federal pensions.

this ^^ it was very normal for the boomers to all have 2 or 3 siblings, mom didn't work and there was A family car, none of which happens much now days

We didnt need them furiners, in my gradeschool year book for westridge elementry, there was one AZN kid and one EI family

and i really wasnt very azn

 Last edited by: XXX_er on Dec. 19, 2021, 7:02 p.m., edited 1 time in total.
Dec. 19, 2021, 11:05 p.m.
Posts: 3847
Joined: May 23, 2006

Posted by: XXX_er

Posted by: Fast-Orange

Posted by: Adam-West

Canada keeps bringing in immigrants, which as a former immigrant this has me perplexed cause on the one hand I feel like the countrys full (as evidenced by you housing starts and the exorbitant prices the limited amount of housing that does exist is renting and selling for) and on the other hand... nah, thats kinda it. we should probably stop trying to increase the population in a place where shits fucking full man.

We have to bring in immigrants because our generation isn't having enough kids so there won't be enough people working to pay the federal pensions.

this ^^ it was very normal for the boomers to all have 2 or 3 siblings, mom didn't work and there was A family car, none of which happens much now days

We didnt need them furiners, in my gradeschool year book for westridge elementry, there was one AZN kid and one EI family

and i really wasnt very azn

No c'mon, we just tax corporations and the rich properly.

Dec. 21, 2021, 12:07 p.m.
Posts: 13941
Joined: Jan. 27, 2003

Posted by: tungsten

No c'mon, we just tax corporations and the rich properly.

No, that would be communism, don't you know 2 billion people starved to death under communism in vuvuzela?

Dec. 21, 2021, 3:08 p.m.
Posts: 16444
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

I'm betting if i went back to westridge elementry  the class would be full of AZN's  there would be one white kid

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