A guy comes across a lavender box, a Synchro says to him "Ham sammys, $5 a each" With his lightning quick arithmetic he calculates that if he sold those same sammys to unsusspecting NSMBers at $3/sammy that in no time at all he would be a millionaire. What's with this guy, assuming his math is accurate?
Riddle ms this NBR.
imajin and shoenrock were born in the same hospital, in the same room, on the same day, just minutes apart. They have the same parents but they are not twins. How can this be?
They're two of triplets, or quadruplets, etc.
imajin and shoenrock were born in the same hospital, in the same room, on the same day, just minutes apart. They have the same parents but they are not twins. How can this be?
They were born with different parents but…during recovery the two couples became
friends. Soon they were having swinger parties. A couple years later they got divorced
and married the other.
Pfft, easy.
"i surf because, i"m always a better person when i come in"-Andy Irons
A guy comes across a lavender box, a Synchro says to him "Ham sammys, $5 a each" With his lightning quick arithmetic he calculates that if he sold those same sammys to unsusspecting NSMBers at $3/sammy that in no time at all he would be a millionaire. What's with this guy, assuming his math is accurate?
cause hes a fag
They were born with different parents but…during recovery the two couples became
friends. Soon they were having swinger parties. A couple years later they got divorced
and married the other.Pfft, easy.
sooke has really affected your sex life huh? do you swing with Adam West?
Being an agoraphobic adrenaline junkie would be pretty convenient, because you could get your rush from just going to the store to get some milk instead of having to jump off a mountain or out of an airplane.
they also call me "balloon"
its the same forward as it is upside down
They're two of triplets, or quadruplets, etc.
Yes, this is correct.
And the parents were swingers.
Heatmizer, Maijin, and Discowitch go out for dinner ([HTML_REMOVED] maybe more). They go dutch on the bill of $30, paying $10 each. The waiter takes the money to the till, realizes he's overcharged them, and the bill is only $25. The waiter figures what they don't know won't hurt 'em, so he tells them the dinner was actually $9, gives them each $1 change each and pockets the $2 for himself.
They've each paid $9 for the meal, and the waiter has $2 in his pocket. 3x9 + 2 = 29, where does the other dollar go?
[QUOTE=heckler's better 1/2;2257625]What is it?
The man who makes it does not need it.
The man who buys it does not want it.
The man who uses it does not know it.[/QUOTE]
Heatmizer, Maijin, and Discowitch go out for dinner ([HTML_REMOVED] maybe more). They go dutch on the bill of $30, paying $10 each. The waiter takes the money to the till, realizes he's overcharged them, and the bill is only $25. The waiter figures what they don't know won't hurt 'em, so he tells them the dinner was actually $9, gives them each $1 change each and pockets the $2 for himself.
They've each paid $9 for the meal, and the waiter has $2 in his pocket. 3x9 + 2 = 29, where does the other dollar go?
Each guy pays $10 so there's $30 in the pot.
The waiter wants to give them change so takes back $5.
Each guy gets back $1. Waiter has $2. Restaurant has $25.
$25 + $3 + $2 = $30.
Alternately, if each guy paid $27, then $25 went to the restaurant and $2 went to the waiter.
sooke has really affected your sex life huh? do you swing with Adam West?
No, I was a product of the 70's and "Love American style"…that's me and you…
"i surf because, i"m always a better person when i come in"-Andy Irons
Heatmizer, Maijin, and Discowitch go out for dinner ([HTML_REMOVED] maybe more). They go dutch on the bill of $30, paying $10 each. The waiter takes the money to the till, realizes he's overcharged them, and the bill is only $25. The waiter figures what they don't know won't hurt 'em, so he tells them the dinner was actually $9, gives them each $1 change each and pockets the $2 for himself.
They've each paid $9 for the meal, and the waiter has $2 in his pocket. 3x9 + 2 = 29, where does the other dollar go?
Hilbert's Paradox. Cited that during a 4th year math course presentation. About half the class (of highly capable mathemeticians) didn't get it.
thats fuuucked.
Just because I like boys doesn't mean I want to go out with Mike.
In the city of New York you are driving a bus. There are 43 people on the bus. At the first stop everyone with a birthday in March gets off, but five more people get on. At the second stop four people people get off, but double the remaining girls get on. At the third stop everyone older than 35 gets off, but three new people plus a seeing eye dog get on. Finally at the fourth stop after a 10 hour shift, the remaining six people get off.
What is the bus drivers name?
haha thats a good one. im going to trick some people!
A guy leaves town A for town B on his horse on Monday. Its a four day trip both ways.. He arrives late Thursday. He leaves Friday back to Town A but arrives on Sunday.
How'd he do it?
protect tom mcdonald at all costs
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