I have no idea what the signifcance is of Oct 22, 2014
Oct 22nd, 2014 when a terrorist asshole killed Cpl Nathan Cirillo at the National War Memorial. Then proceeded to Parliament with intent to kill more. Then engaged in a gun battle with armed officers. While all parties in the building prepared for the worst.
And as I recall the NBR Illuminati engaged in the usual crapola like here. And as I recall I mentioned that day where I shared my wife's work went into lock down and we had no idea if there was another attack coming.
And the week before less than 2 hours away in Quebec in St Jean another terrorist killed a soldier with a car.
I would not wish that on anyone a night like that to sit while shit like that goes down and hoping that there is not more coming. The worry because you can't call your wife who is in lock down on the base and can't phone out to say she is okay.. And I would not downplay how it felt and was like.