hahahaha….. good one.
No I mean take this for example…. my wife just delivered a baby. She went in to the hospital yesterday at about 7am, was there all day and partially into the night, got home at 1:30am. She's back there now for another 6ish hours. Right now its about $1000/delivery. A few years ago it was $500. If it were a quick in and out it was ok, but if her lady is in labour for a couple of days it hardly seems worth the hassle for only $500. Now its actually pretty good.
There was a time when none of the hospital visits, paperwork, follow up, rounds, referral letters, being on call for a weekend, etc were not paid for. On top of that no benefits and you have to pay overhead, MOA's, etc. That's a separate issue though. Could you imagine not getting paid for all this extra work that is required for you to do? Kinda silly yea? This stuff takes up several hours per day, unpaid.
But now all this extra work (besides charts) is paid for by the province. Years ago, family docs were trying to be phased out by the provincial government. Now they are realizing that paying family docs and trying to have more of them actually leads to less $$$ on the medical system overall. They are paying doctors all over the province for meetings in which the goal is to find better ways to deliver patient care and make the medical system run more efficiently.
Thank you liberal government.
That is a good example. And yes, family docs may not be as flush with cash as many people think. All that overhead, lack of benefits, etc. adds up for sure.
Easy, get rid of 75% of the management. There was a recent report released that found the largest waste of health care funding is due to over management.
There have been huge changes involving health care management in much of BC lately. The powers that be must have read that report!