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Gordo's gone!!!

Nov. 4, 2010, 3:10 p.m.
Posts: 26382
Joined: Aug. 14, 2005

They are paying doctors all over the province for meetings in which the goal is to find better ways to deliver patient care and make the medical system run more efficiently.

Easy, get rid of 75% of the management. There was a recent report released that found the largest waste of health care funding is due to over management.

Nov. 4, 2010, 3:12 p.m.
Posts: 12344
Joined: June 29, 2006

As long as Kevin Falcon isnt the man, I'll be semi happy.

Unless Mr. Falcons actually qualified for the positions of Health Minister one term and now Transportation another. Privatizing fascist asshat.

A buddy of mine hooked up with his GF on a camping trip a few years ago. Apparently he isn't qualified for a number of positions.

Nov. 4, 2010, 3:23 p.m.
Posts: 26382
Joined: Aug. 14, 2005

Apparently he isn't qualified for a number of positions.

Politic's or sex?

Nov. 4, 2010, 5:15 p.m.
Posts: 344
Joined: May 2, 2009

hahahaha….. good one.

No I mean take this for example…. my wife just delivered a baby. She went in to the hospital yesterday at about 7am, was there all day and partially into the night, got home at 1:30am. She's back there now for another 6ish hours. Right now its about $1000/delivery. A few years ago it was $500. If it were a quick in and out it was ok, but if her lady is in labour for a couple of days it hardly seems worth the hassle for only $500. Now its actually pretty good.

There was a time when none of the hospital visits, paperwork, follow up, rounds, referral letters, being on call for a weekend, etc were not paid for. On top of that no benefits and you have to pay overhead, MOA's, etc. That's a separate issue though. Could you imagine not getting paid for all this extra work that is required for you to do? Kinda silly yea? This stuff takes up several hours per day, unpaid.

But now all this extra work (besides charts) is paid for by the province. Years ago, family docs were trying to be phased out by the provincial government. Now they are realizing that paying family docs and trying to have more of them actually leads to less $$$ on the medical system overall. They are paying doctors all over the province for meetings in which the goal is to find better ways to deliver patient care and make the medical system run more efficiently.

Thank you liberal government.

That is a good example. And yes, family docs may not be as flush with cash as many people think. All that overhead, lack of benefits, etc. adds up for sure.

Easy, get rid of 75% of the management. There was a recent report released that found the largest waste of health care funding is due to over management.

There have been huge changes involving health care management in much of BC lately. The powers that be must have read that report!

Nov. 4, 2010, 6:24 p.m.
Posts: 1239
Joined: Dec. 3, 2003

Those Liberals took Canada away from record deficits and public debt into a country with consistent budget surpluses that paid down its debt.

Harpers been doing the same reasonably well, so Im not too concerned with the Feds right now.

Please explain why the PMO's spending has gone up 30% since Harper took power. This has nothing to do with stimulus spending!

The only thing sadder than the spending spree successive Conservative governments go on is the people who think that Conservative means "fiscal conservative". Face reality!

Nov. 5, 2010, 7:18 a.m.
Posts: 15653
Joined: Dec. 30, 2002

good call Wayne.
I like Falcon for giving us new bridges, highways, overpasses, and now a "hopefully" more stable medical system in the province. It's great in so many ways, but needs a lot of work in others.

He's the man to do it.

Remember the Cambie Line? Pretty much just shoved down our throats and you dont seem to be complaining about the Cambie Business Assoc. lawsuit costing taxpayers any money. How about building the Golden Ears bridge for todays needs instead of the futures and not either including a counter flow / emergency lane or just 8 lane the bitch from the start. Look at the Alex Fraser. That was good for the times and now…?

But seriously, you have to be an engineer to even be considered as a city traffic planner during the application process - does it not bother you the least bit that he can do both Minister positions without being properly qualified? Or does it just go to show you that anyone can do their job?

protect tom mcdonald at all costs

Nov. 5, 2010, 8:41 a.m.
Posts: 34158
Joined: Nov. 19, 2002

Vancouver is a world class city, so sometimes the Liberals had to shove stuff down our throats. If they didn't, what would be their legacy?

It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.
- Josiah Stamp

Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.
- H.G. Wells

Nov. 5, 2010, 8:51 a.m.
Posts: 26382
Joined: Aug. 14, 2005

- does it not bother you the least bit that he can do both Minister positions without being properly qualified? Or does it just go to show you that anyone can do their job?

If being properly qualified was a mandatory pre requisite for a the head position of a Government Ministry. Then we wouldn't have a former rugby player as Minister of Defence.

Nov. 5, 2010, 9:03 a.m.
Posts: 4794
Joined: Aug. 4, 2004

lots of words

Falcon is a logical leader. He was able to see that in any situation where you're trying to move a city forward, you will upset some people. The Cambie line is a great addition to a city that needs better transit. As for the hwy 1 and Port Mann upgrades, the NDP and Green were fighting against them, saying "we need more transit". Falcon was intelligent, and confident enough as a leader to say "what's the point of more buses if they're stuck on old infrastructure". That's why I like Falcon. He has balls and logic, a rare combination in modern politics.

Nov. 5, 2010, 11:52 a.m.
Posts: 7769
Joined: Nov. 23, 2002

Please explain why the PMO's spending has gone up 30% since Harper took power. This has nothing to do with stimulus spending!

The only thing sadder than the spending spree successive Conservative governments go on is the people who think that Conservative means "fiscal conservative". Face reality!

Oh believe me, I hate the conservatives with a passion. But the Liberals have not demonstrated any concrete example as to how they'll pay for their increase in social programs or how they'd cut the federal deficit.

We're stuck at a lesser of two evils point in my mind.

"Fullness of knowledge always means some understanding of the depths of our ignorance; and that is always conducive to humility and reverence." - Robert Millikan

Nov. 5, 2010, 3:30 p.m.
Posts: 26382
Joined: Aug. 14, 2005

Oh believe me, I hate the conservatives with a passion. But the Liberals have not demonstrated any concrete example as to how they'll pay for their increase in social programs or how they'd cut the federal deficit.

This is a reality that has been commented by others in the last year. Which has to date been ignored and until addressed Mr Ignitief will fail to rally the troops as they call it.

Hmm, I wonder if the new Pirate Party of Manitoba will be going national soon.

Nov. 5, 2010, 4:22 p.m.
Posts: 34158
Joined: Nov. 19, 2002

Oh believe me, I hate the conservatives with a passion. But the Liberals have not demonstrated any concrete example as to how they'll pay for their increase in social programs or how they'd cut the federal deficit.

We're stuck at a lesser of two evils point in my mind.

Yeah, the Liberals have never, ever, taken over a huge deficit from a reigning Conservative government, turned it around so that there is a surplus, paid down the national debt, all while cutting taxes. Nope - never done it.

It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.
- Josiah Stamp

Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.
- H.G. Wells

Nov. 6, 2010, 12:24 a.m.
Posts: 7769
Joined: Nov. 23, 2002

Yeah, the Liberals have never, ever, taken over a huge deficit from a reigning Conservative government, turned it around so that there is a surplus, paid down the national debt, all while cutting taxes. Nope - never done it.

All the party leaders who were involved in that are now out of politics. There has been no evidence from Liberal brass that they'll be repeating that feat if elected.

"Fullness of knowledge always means some understanding of the depths of our ignorance; and that is always conducive to humility and reverence." - Robert Millikan

Nov. 6, 2010, 6:06 p.m.
Posts: 15653
Joined: Dec. 30, 2002

Falcon is a logical leader. He was able to see that in any situation where you're trying to move a city forward, you will upset some people. The Cambie line is a great addition to a city that needs better transit. As for the hwy 1 and Port Mann upgrades, the NDP and Green were fighting against them, saying "we need more transit". Falcon was intelligent, and confident enough as a leader to say "what's the point of more buses if they're stuck on old infrastructure". That's why I like Falcon. He has balls and logic, a rare combination in modern politics.

I realize you have to break a few eggs to make an omelete. As for the Cambie Line, there were two distinct choices and the more painful (and expensive if I remember right) choice for residents and merchants along the line was chosen.

In regards to the "maor transit", a logical leader would've included both as a part of a proper infrastructure plan along with measures (such as turn styles at skytrain stations) to ensure they're collecting fares. Not everyone drives. Not everyone can be bothered to take transit. I see no middle ground in this logic which leads me to believe its not very logical.

While you and I both respect balls and logic, I fail to see how Falcon has either.

I also fail to see how you addressed the proper requisites for holding both ministerial position he has held other than citing balls and logic.

protect tom mcdonald at all costs

Nov. 6, 2010, 6:09 p.m.
Posts: 15653
Joined: Dec. 30, 2002

Vancouver is a world class city, so sometimes the Liberals had to shove stuff down our throats. If they didn't, what would be their legacy?

How about they leave the legacy to the people? When people in power decide they need to leave a legacy as a leader, world class city or not, it reminds of Stalin or Ceasar.

People who care more about their family name than the people they're serving, should not be in politics (but we all know better).

protect tom mcdonald at all costs

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