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Enough politics and bickering already..

July 4, 2015, 4:18 p.m.
Posts: 729
Joined: Oct. 23, 2003

Do rad shit instead..

Me and buddy hit up a pretty sweet climb yesterday near Tofino.
Pictures first, info below.

We left the truck at around 2 PM on Thursday and headed to the lake where we would set up camp.. the trucks temp gauge said 36 degrees.

Got the tent all set up and took a swim in the lake (many times, it was perfect swimming temperature, didn't chill our beer worth a fuck though)

After we ate and cooled down a bit we headed up the mountain to do some exploring and scouted out the route we would have to take to get to the main summit in the morning.

Not a bad view really..

We hiked to the top of a chute on the north (right) side of the mountain, this is looking back down on the lake, the tents are set up on the far side.. you can also see the road we came in on.

This is looking the other way

Hey it's me!

So many mountains.

5:30AM, Gratuitous tent shot! If you draw a line from the right side of the tent straight up you can see the chute/gully we were in the day before

The start of the "glacier" Looking at the main summit.

Buddy crossing the glacier, we thought that was the sketchy part till we got to the actual summit.

Seeing if we can find the way up.. turns out it wasn't here, to the left is the bottom of the main summit.

Yup that boulder aint holding on by much, and the anchor is attached to a rock that's wedging it up. I'm sure it's fine.

You also have to crawl through a hole underneath it.

Shit gets steep and sketchy from here on out so I put the camera away and focused on not falling down. We roped up for 4 sections.

My pinner ass made it! (helps me fit in places haha at least thats what I keep telling myself)

Looking north/north westish.

Filling out the log, it' only a couple pages long with the first entry dated 2002.

Looking south east ish.

I've got more but the rest are a lot of the same thing.
Hope you guys like it, and maybe yall ease up on the pointless arguments, trying to bring back some life into this place…

Ha Ha! Made you look.

July 4, 2015, 6:54 p.m.
Posts: 6411
Joined: April 10, 2005

Well done, Adam. BC is such an awesome place. Good on ya.

Thread killer

July 4, 2015, 6:57 p.m.
Posts: 15854
Joined: May 29, 2004

Horizons are off.

Pastor of Muppets

July 4, 2015, 7:19 p.m.
Posts: 763
Joined: March 12, 2004

That looks like it was a lot of fun. Makes me miss living in the mountains.


July 4, 2015, 7:33 p.m.
Posts: 729
Joined: Oct. 23, 2003

Horizons are off.

That's just the curvature of the earth.

Ha Ha! Made you look.

July 4, 2015, 7:56 p.m.
Posts: 13930
Joined: Jan. 27, 2003

Nice one! I've heard those glaciers can be super sketchy with mostly invisible holes that one could fall down to their doom. Mountaineering has always sketched me out.

July 4, 2015, 8:33 p.m.
Posts: 729
Joined: Oct. 23, 2003

Nice one! I've heard those glaciers can be super sketchy with mostly invisible holes that one could fall down to their doom. Mountaineering has always sketched me out.

That was in the back of my mind when I was going over it. That and the potential for the anchors letting go.

Ha Ha! Made you look.

July 4, 2015, 8:35 p.m.
Posts: 13930
Joined: Jan. 27, 2003

Remember when we made those "day in the life of…?" threads. We should do that again sometime. So should other people here, I'm sure most people here have pretty interesting lives and jobs.

July 4, 2015, 10:20 p.m.
Posts: 11969
Joined: June 4, 2008

The last time we had a post like this in NBR you were next to some mother fucking giant of a tree.

All I got is trying to learn how to scrub a jump in the bike park. You keep posting shit like this and I promise I'll stop yelling at people because they don't understand C51.

July 4, 2015, 10:48 p.m.
Posts: 4740
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

Wow that's pretty awesome. Great pics, thanks for sharing!

July 5, 2015, 1:25 a.m.
Posts: 6104
Joined: June 14, 2008

Wow that's pretty awesome. Great pics, thanks for sharing!


July 5, 2015, 10:41 a.m.
Posts: 26382
Joined: Aug. 14, 2005


July 5, 2015, 11:37 a.m.
Posts: 15019
Joined: April 5, 2007

This showed up on my IG feed this AM.

I know a dozen people and two of them went to the same lake in the same week :lol:

Why slag free swag?:rolleyes:

ummm, as your doctor i recommend against riding with a scaphoid fracture.

July 5, 2015, noon
Posts: 729
Joined: Oct. 23, 2003

Ya I think I saw them

Ha Ha! Made you look.

July 5, 2015, 12:01 p.m.
Posts: 729
Joined: Oct. 23, 2003

If not them then a bunch of other people were there just for the day when we showed up. There was a topless chick there anyway. Said she lived in her van

Ha Ha! Made you look.

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