The last thing this country needs is Clinton in charge. One look at Cunty Clark ought to tell you that.
Trump comes across as a dipshit and an asshole, but somehow he has done very well for himself. I don't think he is as stupid as he let's on, and the team he would build around himself wouldn't be.
Financially, America needs some major help. Starting by making massive cuts to Government spending is one thing I think he might be competent at.
That said, I'm still holding out for Mitch Daniels to throw his hat in.
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Couldn't agree more Farmer America needs strong fiscal leadership and a push back to freedom of the individual, the Obama years will go down in history as one of the blackist for freedom and a real threat to their constitution and can you imagine the kind of government you would would get with Billary Clinton in charge more lying ,stealing and cheating then even her husboy did.
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