I've got like 3 guest passes if anyone wants one
I've got like 3 guest passes if anyone wants one
getting the neverending updating setup files bug:rolleyes:. attempting numerous fixes has so far not worked:fruit:
Just bought mine online.. installed fine. Had to switch from a European battlenet server to the North American one for it to work.
Cool game… I'm guess I can't save the game but have to play to a checkpoint before quitting?
well this isnt exactly the smoothest launch ever is it..
well this isnt exactly the smoothest launch ever is it..
Pretty standard for a game that's this widely anticipated.
Pretty standard for a game that's this widely anticipated.
lol no not really.
This is what happens when developers turn into retards and force useless DRM that will be cracked in two weeks down everyones throats.
It's a primarily single player game, the fact that I can't play it cause SERVERS for a single player game are down, is the stupidest shit on the planet.
It's a primarily single player game, the fact that I can't play it cause SERVERS for a single player game are down, is the stupidest shit on the planet.
lol no not really.
This is what happens when developers turn into retards and force useless DRM that will be cracked in two weeks down everyones throats.
It's a primarily single player game, the fact that I can't play it cause SERVERS for a single player game are down, is the stupidest shit on the planet.
true. agreed that the internet connection is a dumb req from blizzard for this game.
but once that became clear, i just assumed that launch would be similar to WOW launch, so that's why it's no biggie to me… that and I don't buy PC games until I see the first patch come out :P
I remember when all the WoW expansions came out, there was outages for maybe half an hour at most, then the game worked fine.
I remember when all the WoW expansions came out, there was outages for maybe half an hour at most, then the game worked fine.
original launch was an absolute shitshow for months.
What surprises me is how smoothly open beta went with ~2,000,000 users…
Agreed though, DRM'ing this game is beyond pointless…it will be cracked (probably close as I type)
Woulda loved having offline mode, got a couple of long flights coming up.
I've got like 3 guest passes if anyone wants one
yes pleease
no offline mode is Blizzard's fuck you to crackers and scene releases…
no offline mode is Blizzard's fuck you to crackers and scene releases…
And how well have those FU's been working for Ubisoft.
Hint: Not a f'in difference to them.
yes pleease
no offline mode is Blizzard's fuck you to crackers and scene releases…
check yer rep
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