what about beaver pond/lake in stanley park? maybe you could get beaver shit there.
I bet you could find some here:
Lots of beavage there!
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."
Sigmund Freud
:canada: :usa:
oh shit wtf LUL. i'm not drunk. I guess im tired lmao.
regardless, you'll find beaver poop at burnaby lake for sure.
there was beaver in lost lagoon at stanley park last time i was there…a while ago
Lots to be found if you can go out to the valley
Lots to be found if you can go out to the valley
But won't you implode or be sucked into a black hole if you leave Vancover ?
Here's the thing about studying all of them ologies you know yer biology yer zoology and it is that you gotta go out to where the shit is … there may not be a starbucks and you might not be able to text
While we're at it, anyone know a good place to pick up some really tasty pie?
Wrong. Always.
Not sure, but I will be chowing on some clam for lunch today. In chowder form of course.
not sure if every post is about vagina
or a few actually talking about beavers
this space is intentionally blank, other than this note about it being blank.
If everyone is talking about vaginas, I don't want to know what "beaver poop" is.
Not sure, but I will be chowing on some clam for lunch today. In chowder form of course.
I'd stay away from the manhattan clam chowder if I were you….nothing involving eating a clam should be that colour….
Loud Hubs Save Lives
a beaver is just a big fucking rat with a good publicist they are all over the place up here causing flooding [HTML_REMOVED] wrecking forestry roads, apparently if you got beaver problems on yer land the best way to fix it is blow the dam just before freeze-up
Haha … its like what someone said about Kermode Bears - they are just Black Bears that hired an Agent.
did somebody ask for a shaved beaver?
"Bicycling is a healthy and manly pursuit with much to recommend it, and, unlike other foolish crazes, it has not died out."
- The Daily Telegraph (1877)
This thread needs more BuBee …
When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion.
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