My basic point is that Canada is increasingly none white. Wearing turbans is becoming less of a feature small minority groups and more of a feature of the average Canadian. We aren't there yet but we need to stop treating these as minority issues or that this is somehow and issue of 'us' accomidating 'them'. They are us. And in signifigant numbers. Its not a bad thing. Its just how things are.
The rule to wear helmets wasn't implemented in order to target any minorities. The rule was brought in for safety issues.
The expectation of an employee that their workplace will remain static for the duration of their employment is unrealiastic, to say the least.
One great thing about Canada is that you have the right to choose a lot of things, and one of those things is where you work. If you do not like your place of employment, you have the right to find employment somewhere else.
If you get bored with your work, you have the right to quit any time. If you can get a job closer to home that pays more money, you can quit any time.
But if an employer requires you to observe a new safety regulation, that is implemented for the benefit of all employees as well as the employer, what gives the employee the right to tell the employer to shove it up his ass?
If you believe it is OK for these guys to skirt around the requirements of their work, perhaps you'll find it OK if someone with Blackfoot/Sioux in their blood light up a cigarette in a meeting room with you.
It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.
- Josiah Stamp
Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.
- H.G. Wells