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Anyone following the "Illegal Immigration" issue in Murrietta CA?

July 9, 2014, 11:23 a.m.
Posts: 15652
Joined: Dec. 30, 2002

Red herring. Tort laws regulating health care (for example medical malpractice) are imposed by the states, not federally. The Republicans need to do some research.

"_In total, thirty-two states have established some type of medical malpractice award cap. The amounts and applications of these caps vary by state. Some of these damage caps are rigid, while others can be adjusted for inflation or severity of the damage.

For example, four states (Alaska, Florida, Ohio, and Massachusetts) have caps that can be waived or increased in severe cases. The caps in Oregon and Maine apply only to wrongful death cases. Four states have a $250,000 general award cap, four states have a total damages cap, eighteen states have non-economic damages caps between $250,000 and $500,000 , and four states have damages caps that exceed $500,000._"

Of course, if the administration imposed federal tort laws on the states, it would have been "a travesty", "outrageous" etc.

But it IS a federal health program. And you dont think putting a cap on payable death claims would keep his "lawyer friends happy?"

Also, your wiki legal examiner link doesnt mention anythign about Obamacare let alone anything past 2002. Pretty sure Myk was talking about Obamacare since before that, what government healtcare program did the US have?

protect tom mcdonald at all costs

July 9, 2014, 11:26 a.m.
Posts: 15652
Joined: Dec. 30, 2002

Also, lets keep this about thread title and not Obamacare details. Now if you guys wanted to dig up facts and find out how much this Amnesty will cost the US taxpayers vs how much it'll cost the migrants, then you might understand why the protesters are protesting.

The US is in NO position to take care of 290,000+ undocumented people who can and will have access to Obamacare.

protect tom mcdonald at all costs

July 9, 2014, 11:36 a.m.
Posts: 7707
Joined: Sept. 11, 2003

But it IS a federal health program.

And it, as already stated by both sides, has no tort law provisions in it …

And why would anyone work with BO when he's openly said he'll do things himself without Congress or Voter consent? Thats not el presidente, thats el dictator.

The Emancipation Proclamation that ended slavery, Social Security Act,the enforcement of Brown v. Board of Education with the National Guard to end school desegregation, the Civil Rights Act, Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act all Fascist actions made legal by Executive Order under powers granted by the Constitution. The only caveat is that the Orders not violate the Constitution. That would be up to the Supreme Court to decide, and we all know who runs that show :-).

Pretty sure Myk was talking about Obamacare since before that, what government healtcare program did the US have?

Ummm how about Medicare, Medicaid, VA Health, to start?

Now if you guys wanted to dig up facts and find out how much this Amnesty will cost the US taxpayers vs how much it'll cost the migrants, then you might understand why the protesters are protesting.

The US is in NO position to take care of 290,000+ undocumented people who can and will have access to Obamacare.

What "Amnesty" are you talking about? A law passed in 2008 REQUIRES "underage migrants be turned over to the care of the Department of Health and Human Services, and directed to place the minor “in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child” and to explore reuniting those children with family members". You complain about the gov't breaking the law on the one and hand and then complain when they obey the law on the other. Most of them will be sent back.

July 9, 2014, 11:45 a.m.
Posts: 12253
Joined: June 29, 2006

And how is all that 'insignificant crap' working out for America ? 'Disentangling' from Iraq has now led to radical Islamists being in charge of much of the country and Syria (another story altogether, let's talk about 'drawing a line in the sand'), how is the recovery exactly coming along for the average American and how is that 'affordable' healthcare working out? Think it will be a while before we know the answer to that. Obama is also the single most partisan president in recent memory, in fact, Americans think he is the worst president since WW2, even worse than Bush. He passed health insurance reform without a single Republican vote. The Republicans asked for tort reform to be attached to the reform, Obama said no to keep his lawyer buddies happy.

Bush may have initiated many of those issues (who 'inititated' the financial issue can be debated forever), no debate that Bush's decision to go into Iraq was an absolute disaster, but, Obama knew what he was getting into. 6 years later it's pretty tough to continually blame your predecessor. If Obama's not to blame for the current happenings, then you are saying that he is grossly ineffective as a president in taking charge.

Call me 'conservative' if you like, my political beliefs are much more broad than that. I do believe though that Obama was elected as the anti-Bush, not for his actual leadership skills, he will be one of the worst most devisive presidents in recent history. Hell, he used the IRS to investigate conservative groups, used an arm of the US government to oppress his opponents. That is repression of a specific group by the government.

Dude… fact check. Seriously. Call yourself whatever you want but you sound a lot like a conservative and your dislike for facts puts you in the tea party crowd (which is worse).

Iraq - The timeline for leaving the country was settled under Bush and Iraq was not going to authorize a longer stay. The current violence was predicted years ago, but not by Republicans.
Syria - Obama didn't handle it well IMO and Putin got the deal done, but was he supposed to send troops? Nobody wants to answer that on the right.
Healthcare - It is working out. Dire predictions have not come true. I am surprised you brought it up. This will be Obama's legacy.
The IRS - Zero evidence that Obama's administration got them to look into tea party groups. Considering they hate paying tax I don't see that this is hard to believe to IRS would do it on their own.
Benghazi - Even if they did white wash intel how does this make him any different than every president ever? It's a witch hunt. This is just to tarnish Hilary and that is why despite the fact it was investigated it keep getting more air time. Nobody seems to give a shit that congress cut security funding that may have lead to the 4 deaths.

The tea party republicans are entirely to blame for the divisive nature currently in American politics. The use of the filibuster is record breaking, the number of pointless votes to end the ACA is up to 40 some odd, appointees are stymied at every opportunity, the debt ceiling fight. They have done everything in their power (which is more than it should be thanks to gerrymandering) to make Obama's presidency toothless. If you can't see this you are too far on the inside.

"I do believe though that Obama was elected as the anti-Bush, not for his actual leadership skills"

And the second time around? Anti-Romney? Maybe the Republicans should cancel the clown show.

July 9, 2014, 11:52 a.m.
Posts: 12253
Joined: June 29, 2006

The Emancipation Proclamation that ended slavery, Social Security Act,the enforcement of Brown v. Board of Education with the National Guard to end school desegregation, the Civil Rights Act, Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act all Fascist actions made legal by Executive Order under powers granted by the Constitution. The only caveat is that the Orders not violate the Constitution. That would be up to the Supreme Court to decide, and we all know who runs that show :-).

Ummm how about Medicare, Medicaid, VA Health, to start?

Executive Orders

Obama - 182
GW Bush - 291
Clinton - 364
Bush Sr - 166
Reagan - 381

July 9, 2014, 12:56 p.m.
Posts: 354
Joined: June 11, 2013

Why are people effectively ignoring the fact that they are called

"illegal immigrants".

Seems like a pretty clear case for deportion to me.

Of course, aspects of the US economy would collapse but for illegals, so, I'm going to point out the obvious contradiction in deportation before anyone else does. I like eating California strawberries in the winter, I know who picks them.

July 9, 2014, 1:06 p.m.
Posts: 16818
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

Why are people effectively ignoring the fact that they are called

"illegal immigrants".

Because they are people. You know, human beings. People who deserve to be allowed the basic human rights that are accorded to them by way of the USA signing meaningless little documents like, oh, say … the Geneva Conventions and several UN human rights treaties for example.

Just because you and yours are willing dehumanize real, suffering humans by applying your shitty little label to them doesn't make it right. Asshole hypercons seem to get the founding principles of their own country:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame is the imprisoned lightning,
And her name, Mother of Exiles.
From her beacon-hand glows world-wide welcome;
Her mild eyes command the air-bridged harbor
That twin cities frame.
"Keep, Ancient Lands, your storied pomp!"
Cries she with silent lips.

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free;
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
Send these, the homeless,
Tempest-tossed to me
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity.

When many people suffer from a delusion, it is called religion.

July 9, 2014, 3:08 p.m.
Posts: 15652
Joined: Dec. 30, 2002

And it, as already stated by both sides, has no tort law provisions in it … [/QUOTE=Duncan]

Well then, as you were.

What "Amnesty" are you talking about? A law passed in 2008 REQUIRES "underage migrants be turned over to the care of the Department of Health and Human Services, and directed to place the minor “in the least restrictive setting that is in the best interest of the child” and to explore reuniting those children with family members". You complain about the gov't breaking the law on the one and hand and then complain when they obey the law on the other. Most of them will be sent back.

I'm not complaining about anything actually. But I have been reading a lot about US Border States citizens who arent happy with whats been happening in their cities due to unchecked immigration.

Because they are people. You know, human beings. People who deserve to be allowed the basic human rights that are accorded to them by way of the USA signing meaningless little documents like, oh, say … the Geneva Conventions and several UN human rights treaties for example.

Just because you and yours are willing dehumanize real, suffering humans by applying your shitty little label to them doesn't make it right. Asshole hypercons seem to get the founding principles of their own country:

I'll play devils advocate because we can say that because Mexican "border jumpers" arent jumping into Canada let alone being bussed in by the Government. Put yourself in the shoes of an American who might have a different view entirely of what we know is happening and who's quality of life wasnt what it used to be? Would you be ok with that being that person being directly affected? Or would you still welcome each and every one of them into your home to flee the violence of their home?

Surprised no ones brought up the NAU yet.

protect tom mcdonald at all costs

July 9, 2014, 6:20 p.m.
Posts: 7707
Joined: Sept. 11, 2003

I'll play devils advocate because we can say that because Mexican "border jumpers" arent jumping into Canada let alone being bussed in by the Government. Put yourself in the shoes of an American who might have a different view entirely of what we know is happening and who's quality of life wasnt what it used to be? Would you be ok with that being that person being directly affected? Or would you still welcome each and every one of them into your home to flee the violence of their home?

Surprised no ones brought up the NAU yet.

Mexicans get caught and are sent back to Mexico. (Where they turn around and try again).

The problem right now is aliens from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. They are underage and Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act (passed under the last Bush Administration, btw) says children from Central America must be given a court hearing before they are deported. Considering there are something 50,000 a month entering, its gonna cost a lot of money just to get them to the stage where they are deported.

July 10, 2014, 12:59 a.m.
Posts: 34067
Joined: Nov. 19, 2002

Remember when all the young Central Americans came into Vancouver about 15 years ago. They'd be used as drug traffickers, mostly hanging around the sky train stations.

It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of dodging our responsibilities.
- Josiah Stamp

Every time I see an adult on a bicycle, I no longer despair for the future of the human race.
- H.G. Wells

July 14, 2014, 11:36 a.m.
Posts: 15652
Joined: Dec. 30, 2002

Dude… fact check. Seriously. Call yourself whatever you want but you sound a lot like a conservative and your dislike for facts puts you in the tea party crowd (which is worse).

Iraq - The timeline for leaving the country was settled under Bush and Iraq was not going to authorize a longer stay. The current violence was predicted years ago, but not by Republicans.
Syria - Obama didn't handle it well IMO and Putin got the deal done, but was he supposed to send troops? Nobody wants to answer that on the right.
Healthcare - It is working out. Dire predictions have not come true. I am surprised you brought it up. This will be Obama's legacy.
The IRS - Zero evidence that Obama's administration got them to look into tea party groups. Considering they hate paying tax I don't see that this is hard to believe to IRS would do it on their own.
Benghazi - Even if they did white wash intel how does this make him any different than every president ever? It's a witch hunt. This is just to tarnish Hilary and that is why despite the fact it was investigated it keep getting more air time. Nobody seems to give a shit that congress cut security funding that may have lead to the 4 deaths.

The tea party republicans are entirely to blame for the divisive nature currently in American politics. The use of the filibuster is record breaking, the number of pointless votes to end the ACA is up to 40 some odd, appointees are stymied at every opportunity, the debt ceiling fight. They have done everything in their power (which is more than it should be thanks to gerrymandering) to make Obama's presidency toothless. If you can't see this you are too far on the inside.

"I do believe though that Obama was elected as the anti-Bush, not for his actual leadership skills"

And the second time around? Anti-Romney? Maybe the Republicans should cancel the clown show.[/QUOTE

Regarding the IRS and Obama, why is there a motion to arrest Lois learner in relation to this non scandal of the irs. I also didn't mean to quote your but I'm mobile and its finicky. Talk about fact check checking, how about current events.

protect tom mcdonald at all costs

July 14, 2014, 12:12 p.m.
Posts: 12253
Joined: June 29, 2006

Regarding the IRS and Obama, why is there a motion to arrest Lois learner in relation to this non scandal of the irs. I also didn't mean to quote your but I'm mobile and its finicky. Talk about fact check checking, how about current events.

She refused to testify, because she is guilty of targeting Tea Party groups most likely. How did my quote fail the fact check exactly?

"The IRS - Zero evidence that Obama's administration got them to look into tea party groups. Considering they hate paying tax I don't see that this is hard to believe to IRS would do it on their own."

July 14, 2014, 11:04 p.m.
Posts: 3834
Joined: May 23, 2006

Freedom of contract. We sell them guns that kill them; they sell us drugs that kill us.

July 15, 2014, 10:10 a.m.
Posts: 7707
Joined: Sept. 11, 2003

John Wayne would have supported the aliens

"I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves." - John Wayne

It would have been fascinating to see that version of Cowboys [HTML_REMOVED] Aliens would have played out, whether or not he would have "Duked" it out for them.

July 16, 2014, 6:18 p.m.
Posts: 15652
Joined: Dec. 30, 2002

She refused to testify, because she is guilty of targeting Tea Party groups most likely. How did my quote fail the fact check exactly?

"The IRS - Zero evidence that Obama's administration got them to look into tea party groups. Considering they hate paying tax I don't see that this is hard to believe to IRS would do it on their own."

I suppose it didn't fail bc learners hdd is lost containing all the emails necessary for a proper investigation.

And are you implying everyone loves paying taxes /sarc.

As for Iraq / Baghdad / Isis being a known cia funded operation, troops are withdrawn as per Bush but contractors are still on the ground.

protect tom mcdonald at all costs

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