Reading. Lots lately. (two books this weekend) but, mostly just junk Science Fiction.
I happened across Larry Niven's Children of Ringworld (didn't even know it was out). That was a good read, but nothing beat the original.
So, for me, it's 90[HTML_REMOVED]#37; science Fiction, 5 percent horror, and the rest, scrounging around whatever my family puts down long enough fo me to read. It's actually that last 5% that's puts some spice in - my kids have alot of books from school, and my wife's been into some weird shit lately.
I too, read Million Little pieces. I never paid attention to the hype, so I really didn't know what I was getting into. I enjoyed it. I found that I'd read for an hour or so, and when I'd pull out, I had to give my head a shake to get it thinking rationally again. I found myself being drawn into the protagonists mind-set. Weird.