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Cracked ribs?? help!

July 21, 2014, 10 a.m.
Posts: 7707
Joined: Sept. 11, 2003

Why bother with the x-rays?

Treatment is the same whether they're broken or not, nothing.

You may want to know whether is single or multiple fracture. If it is a serious break involving more than one rib, you could have injuries to internal organs as well. Plus its free (or not - I have sometimes been charged for x-rays and CAT scans usually like ~$20, sometimes not.) Plus you get cool pictures of your insides to post on the interwebz.

July 21, 2014, 10:45 a.m.
Posts: 4740
Joined: Nov. 20, 2002

Pain, rest, more pain and more rest there is no quick cure and if you don't take care they take even longer.

This, this and more of this.

Currently healing one or two fractured ribs. It sucks and takes way longer than you'd think. Be patient though, as rushing it only make the healing take even longer.

July 21, 2014, 11:51 a.m.
Posts: 1584
Joined: June 20, 2003

Once you're on the road to recovery, max out on the prescribed amounts of Advil and Tylenol, taken together, and you'll be surprised what you can ride. Just don't fall on the same area, lol.

July 21, 2014, 2:30 p.m.
Posts: 3864
Joined: Sept. 12, 2003

Why bother with the x-rays?

Treatment is the same whether they're broken or not, nothing.

If nothing else, to monitor the progress of the healing. If for some reason a bone fracture is not healing/bonding then you may need a bone graft depending on the case. But hey, if you want to go it with not a clue with what is going on, only an assumption, buy all means giver.

WTF, Over?

July 21, 2014, 3:20 p.m.
Posts: 5731
Joined: June 24, 2003

I have bruised or broken ribs 6 or 7 times. A few times I landed funny and my elbow did the dirty work. Time was about two months when it was a bad injury. Nothing you can do to speed recovery except rest. Pain is your guide.

Debate? Bikes are made for riding not pushing.

July 21, 2014, 3:39 p.m.
Posts: 617
Joined: Jan. 14, 2006

I fractured some ribs in 2007 they get worse before they get better the first day they hurt the second day they got worse third day i could hardly breathe and so on for about a week then they started improving.

July 21, 2014, 4:28 p.m.
Posts: 1081
Joined: Jan. 1, 2011

I have bruised or broken ribs 6 or 7 times. A few times I landed funny and my elbow did the dirty work. Time was about two months when it was a bad injury. Nothing you can do to speed recovery except rest. Pain is your guide.

Ugh, that's how I busted mine at the end of April.

I fractured some ribs in 2007 they get worse before they get better the first day they hurt the second day they got worse third day i could hardly breathe and so on for about a week then they started improving.

My experience as well. Got worse for the first week or so, then stayed that way for about six weeks, then got better. Sucks.

Ride, don't slide.

July 21, 2014, 6:59 p.m.
Posts: 623
Joined: Sept. 7, 2011

Are you sure its cracked? Did you get it looked at by a doc and x-rayed? If not, it could be torn intercostal cartilage which is still painful but not as serious.

yup went to lions gate had X-rays and ultrasound.
Last night went to get checked out again as it was 1 week since it happened and having bra thin pain still. Said i have a crackle in the lung under there ribs I cracked said it was probably blood and to go to hospital if i feel feverish or cough up green stuff.

July 21, 2014, 7:01 p.m.
Posts: 623
Joined: Sept. 7, 2011

Ugh, that's how I busted mine at the end of April.

My experience as well. Got worse for the first week or so, then stayed that way for about six weeks, then got better. Sucks.

This seems to be the same schedule I'm on…

July 21, 2014, 7:06 p.m.
Posts: 2658
Joined: July 6, 2003

Why bother with the x-rays?

Treatment is the same whether they're broken or not, nothing.

Think of all the free radiation your missing out on!

Originally posted by Purecanadianhoney
I don't see how hard it would be to scrape out the head of your cock once in a while.

July 21, 2014, 10:07 p.m.
Posts: 0
Joined: Oct. 6, 2005

Lol, my brother did 10 of 11 ribs on his left side on dirt merchant four years ago.

I injure my ribs at least once a season and it is always 6 to 8 weeks for them to feel better and time is the only treatment.

July 21, 2014, 10:32 p.m.
Posts: 1238
Joined: Dec. 3, 2003

You may want to know whether is single or multiple fracture. If it is a serious break involving more than one rib, you could have injuries to internal organs as well. Plus its free (or not - I have sometimes been charged for x-rays and CAT scans usually like ~$20, sometimes not.) Plus you get cool pictures of your insides to post on the interwebz.

If nothing else, to monitor the progress of the healing. If for some reason a bone fracture is not healing/bonding then you may need a bone graft depending on the case. But hey, if you want to go it with not a clue with what is going on, only an assumption, buy all means giver.

I skipped the x-rays for what felt like a single cracked rib and took it easy until it felt better. If the pain was more severe an x-ray would've been appropriate. Ultrasound to check for internal organs makes sense, but it wasn't that bad a crash.

For the 8-pack there was no choice. The x-ray I got was good for bragging rights but there was no followup x-rays to monitor nor any treatment.

Come to think of it, the x-rays got me evil but effective painkillers! :high:

July 22, 2014, 7:34 a.m.
Posts: 763
Joined: March 12, 2004

for the love of god, don't sneeze. you will regret it.

Wow that brings back bad memories.

Would start to sneeze (the ah of ah-choo) the sharp intake of breath would cause stabbing pain, then no "choo" this went on for 20 minutes or so. Standing outside MEC on W Broadway and finally had enough, gave myself a big bearhug and finally sneezed, and then screamed in pain. I am sure the other people walking along the sidewalk thought I was a complete nutcase.


July 22, 2014, 4:55 p.m.
Posts: 8848
Joined: Nov. 19, 2002

If your back starts to hurt, go get physio.

Cracked ribs causes you to bend toward the hurt side, messing up the muscles in your lower back.

July 24, 2014, 9:15 a.m.
Posts: 414
Joined: Jan. 18, 2004

One thing not yet mentioned, don't use a post hole digger 4 days post rib fracture. As my wife said," If you don't puke from the pain, I'm going to puke watching you. You idiot." THat said the deck turned out beutifully.

Is it counter productive to ride on my exercise bike with a cocktail in hand?

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