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Jan. 10, 2017, 12:24 p.m.
Posts: 5066
Joined: Nov. 25, 2002

i really couldn't conjure a better match than lopes / ellsworth.

i'd rather not perpetuate the "dick" aura that surrounds the guy without actually getting to know the fellow, but seeing him show up in my cat (old, very non-professional) at whistler ews has swayed me towards the believer camp.

that said, he's a talented mofo that's made a good living riding mountain bicycles. if you're able to milk it into your twilight years (with body still intact) all power to you. i'm sure much fewer shits are given as to who is writing the paycheques at this point.

Jan. 10, 2017, 4:32 p.m.
Posts: 1081
Joined: Jan. 1, 2011

seeing him show up in my cat (old, very non-professional) at whistler ews has swayed me towards the believer camp.

I wonder if winning an age category group brings Lopes the same pleasure as a "pro" win? His time would have put him 51st in pro. _Way _back from Richie.

Ride, don't slide.

Jan. 14, 2017, 1:02 a.m.
Posts: 2890
Joined: Nov. 27, 1986

That yellow vps is hilarious. Asking 1750? Hah.
I sold my Santa Cruz driver 8 with new 2013 fox 40, full saint and demax for 1400. That guy has been trying to sell that thing for years.

I like bikes

Jan. 14, 2017, 1:39 a.m.
Posts: 874
Joined: June 29, 2006

I am feeling slightly bad making jokes about a guy I've never met in person.

And I'm serious, the Trump election and trail building/management and connected website-stuff I've been doing over the last two years really opened my perception to how much hate some people start to spread as soon as they feel anonymous because of the internet/social media.

A lot of them are decent in real life probably, but not so much online. Am I a hypocrite now? Probably. I don't feel guilty of spreading hate, but laughing about "weird" stuff, I'm guilty.

Sorry Lopes and yellow bike guy.

From my last visit to Vancouver I'd think there'd be a foreign investor who'd buy these bikes for a lot more than 1750$ if you'd sell them through the right artsy gallery or channel though. And that's almost my honest opinion.

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