Posted by: FlipSide
I used to not care at all about the aesthetics of my bikes or strategically adding color accents on the bike, but it's becoming an aspects I don't neglect anymore on my custom builds. Maybe my wife finally succeeded to infuse some fashion into me...or I simply became shallower with age. Who knows? ;)
Ditto - My previous build of the Solaris had a few blue bits (because I had them) on a blue frame so quite boring albeit understated. My Murmur has always been quite understated as well - Brit Racing Green with a few blue parts. But then Mr Majors - Pummelled Purple Patina article got me thinking I should add a bit of colour. The Murmur has now gone teal (Transition Spur teal) with purple and polished bits. The Solaris is a work in progress.