Posted by: Kenny
Posted by: inshane
Interesting. I’m the same height. I find my 475 reach nomad 5 to be on the big side. Might be because i’m used to sitting straight up when pedaling or maybe I have shorter torso/ arms.
If you have a shorter torso and longer legs, the relatively slack actual seat tube angle of the nomad is probably working against you.
L Nomad shows an effective top tube of 609mm, which is reasonable, but it probably grows quickly due to the slack actual sta (about 69 degrees)
My xl crossworx has an effective top tube of 619mm, only 10mm longer, despite having 35mm more reach and 26mm more stack. But, it has an *actual* 79 degree STA, so the seated distance to the bars doesn't grow like the nomad. Since I use a 35mm stem on the crossworx and would want at least a 50mm on the nomad, seated fit is actually smaller on that "big" bike than the nomad would be for me.
Side note: I was anti steep STA for a long time. Problem is I was trying it with frames that were similar reach and stack to what I was riding previously and I just felt like a folded up pretzel perched precariously over the bars. When I literally sized up +35mm on reach/stack, all of the sudden it was comfortable.
The reach/stack along with steep STA was definitely the game changer for me (albeit one I only recently came about). At the beginning of last year was riding a Large Salsa Timberjack (475r, 74.5sta) and a XL Giant Trance (480r, 74.5sta) and made the mistake of going with a Large Ripley AF which was just barely rideable for me (6'1", 0 ape index, 34" inseam). This year, the 77sta/492mm reach on the XL YT Izzo is generally a lot better climbing and descending without compromising agility. The same sta/6mm longer reach on the Stevo is also good, but I'm still slowly readjusting to the 48mm longer wheelbase than anything else I've been on.
Side note: anyone have a resource for/a cliff note's explanation of actual vs. effective sta? It's one of those concepts I have yet to wrap my head around.