I happily pay from Strava (and have done for many years) as I get sufficent usage from it, and I'm not a freeloader :-)
Accuracy of recording is down to the device being used (and the person using it), not Strava... Garbage in, garbage out.
Someone I used to ride with uses a Apple Watch and their results were always dodgy...if you zoom in on a section where we were stopped, you could see their GPX spiking all over the place even when not moving so it would be useful to be able to filter out shit like that (and crap like people leaving the recording on when shuttling or forgetting to switch it off when driving home).
Strava has 50 million users yet hasn't made a profit as not enough users choose to subscribe. Someone's gotta pay for all that computing power so they aren't gonna survive unless they get more revenue somehow. And at least they've made an admirable decision not to infest the app or website with adverts like Facebook...