Posted by: shoreboy
Remember, if you order a fully built wheel, it is subject to an extra 6.5% duty. The parts separately are not.
Thanks - I was curious about that.
Posted by: shoreboy
Remember, if you order a fully built wheel, it is subject to an extra 6.5% duty. The parts separately are not.
Thanks - I was curious about that.
Posted by: shoreboy
Posted by: TheWhiz
I order from them once or twice a year. My last order was for two components which, unfortunately, were shipped separately so I got murdered on some sort of brokerage or admin fees from DHL. So I ended up paying way more than I should for a Hope Seat tube QR and a Chromag Fubar OSX. Guess I should have hit a local shop but is it just me or do even the shops on the North Shore carry crap all for nice components?
Dont ship with DHL from CRC and this wont be a problem.
You could also have said, see post number one, from four years ago.
Posted by: shoreboy
Posted by: Bull_Dozer
Does CRC allow you to purchase a custom wheel that they assemble for you and then ship you the fully built wheel? I swear I saw some sort of "custom wheel builder" tool on their site before but can't seem to find it anymore.
And if CRC doesn't have it - do any other of those online shops do it?
I dont think they have the custom wheelbuilder anymore. I think you just have to pick and choose from what they are offering already built? You could just order the rims, hubs, spokes and build them up yourself? Remember, if you order a fully built wheel, it is subject to an extra 6.5% duty. The parts separately are not.
If you're going to build a wheel, try bike hub store. Good pricing and decent selection of parts. They'll also build the wheel for your for a price.
I ordered parts for road bike wheels from turn. Cost $300 and I ended up building a set of 1500g wheels.
Oh, and the shipping and service is very good.
Posted by: ReductiMat
Posted by: shoreboy
Posted by: TheWhiz
I order from them once or twice a year. My last order was for two components which, unfortunately, were shipped separately so I got murdered on some sort of brokerage or admin fees from DHL. So I ended up paying way more than I should for a Hope Seat tube QR and a Chromag Fubar OSX. Guess I should have hit a local shop but is it just me or do even the shops on the North Shore carry crap all for nice components?
Dont ship with DHL from CRC and this wont be a problem.
also have said, see post number one, from four years ago.
Ah Just feels like yesterday.....
Posted by: ReductiMat
Posted by: shoreboy
Posted by: TheWhiz
I order from them once or twice a year. My last order was for two components which, unfortunately, were shipped separately so I got murdered on some sort of brokerage or admin fees from DHL. So I ended up paying way more than I should for a Hope Seat tube QR and a Chromag Fubar OSX. Guess I should have hit a local shop but is it just me or do even the shops on the North Shore carry crap all for nice components?
Dont ship with DHL from CRC and this wont be a problem.
You could also have said, see post number one, from four years ago.
Yeah Id figure id try and change things up and be somewhat nice seeing as it was his/her first post.
Posted by: Endur-Bro
Fee free upon pick-up today as well as an engine part for my vehicle. Got lucky this week.
There was a shipping error with the vehicle part and I received a duplicate part this week. CBSA hit it with taxes which goes to show that they're just fucking winging it at the borders.
I refused delivery and notified the supplier of the error.
Thanks for going easy on me. In other news, if I had joined this forum a couple weeks earlier I could have avoided a right proper ass raping.
derail...has anyone ordered from bikeInn ? Their prices are beating CRC currently but it doesn't look I can use the covert untracked standard postal method.
My snark was vile and vicious. I am willing to provide half the cost of counseling for the next seven years. Excluding duty.
I've heard some local shops say that prices on CRC are less than their cost... I'm sure there are specific items where that is the case, but in general I don't believe that... because if so, wouldn't the obviously solution be to start buying their inventory from CRC rather than from their current Canadian distributor?
Yes, it would be, but things aren't always that simple. If the item is not in stock and needs to be brought in, distributors are faster to bring the item into the shop. CRC is cheaper than cost if the item is on sale or clearout, but as the buyer for the shop you wouldn't have the time to scour the entire internet to save a couple of bucks on some at times fringe items.
Distributors are kind of like the Costco effect for shops; not always the cheapest but one stop shop convenience, reasonably priced, and you have aftersales support.
Posted by: Bull_Dozer
I've heard some local shops say that prices on CRC are less than their cost... I'm sure there are specific items where that is the case, but in general I don't believe that... because if so, wouldn't the obviously solution be to start buying their inventory from CRC rather than from their current Canadian distributor?
They are definitely cheaper than whole distributor cost for some items like Shimano (and formerly SRAM before they started clamping down on North America shipments out of Europe) as well as tires. I've had friends at shops pull up Lambert and show me.
Other issues with shops trying to source from online sites would be getting the volume they need, shipping costs, duty/import taxes and probably warranty support as well.
So against my better judgement, I just bought some 5.10's off CRC as my Vxi's are dirt cheap right now. Bought two pairs.
There's a new DHL option that includes taxes/duties/shipping.
I'm trying that one out.
Interesting. Two pairs of shoes (~$100ea) and ~$15 of duties/taxes/shipping on each one. So $30 for $200 worth of stuff. Theoretically you would be paying PST/GST on those (so $24) and the additional $6 will be the 'duty' (since shipping is free over $75). That is saving you a bunch on the duty side of thngs. It doesnt say anything about brokerage however, so that card is still on the table? Please do let us know how it goes.
This $30 to DHL should cover shipping, taxes, duty AND brokerage.
At least that's how I read it. We will see what happens...
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