Because you keep asking - Cooper's bike checks and updates
Flex stays. So hot right now.
looks good! nice to see they're still resisting downtube bloat (tm) on this one.
That borderline doesn't even look like a new front triangle mold - which if true, fair enough, it doesn't need one, Everything looks identical as far as I can tell from photos except the cable ports. Linkage and rear triangle different. Apparently they landed at my LBS this week too but I haven't gone down to look.
Posted by: cooperquinn
Haha, no no. Not the Element platform itself... I dunno when the next one will launch. But we're due for a re-up because *my* Element has changed.
And sorry to Sebov, but there's more batteries...
After the Ohlins review, I swapped over to a RockShox Flight Attendant setup. 120mm SID up front, Sidluxe rear. Along with this change, as I needed a powermeter, I'm now on 175mm XO1 cranks with a 34t ring (+5mm and +2t over original). I ran the 120mm Ohlins w/o, but to play around I've added a 10mm spacer under the headtube to preserve geo, as the Element is designed around a 130mm fork. I've moved over to Transmission, with a GX derailleur and XO1 cassette. I'm also playing with a pod shifter, and.... I don't love it. I like the V1.2 AXS paddles the best, at the moment. Brakes, cockpit, and wheels remain the same. We'll talk about those tires in a full review at some point, so you'll just have to hold tight.
The whole setup is currently built to be a bit more XC than previous, and increase separation between my bikes in an attempt to force me to make rides more different. It doesn't always work, and now I'm just more undergunned on the same trails sometimes, but I still think this bike is one of - if not the - best in class.
I still really love the lines on this bike. and in this current setup, its light AF (for around here, anyway).
+10mm spacer for geo preservation. I
34t is a bit stout at times, but it's good encouragement to just redline uphill, which this bike encourages anyway.
I'm not a pod-lover. But gotta try these things, right? Fresh OneUp bar, the last one was old, tired, and cracked on me at the brake lever clamp area.
More pedaling efficiency, brought to you by quiet bzzt noises.
More bzzt; its quieter than the enduro-sized FA.
Haha! I LIKE your build! I don‘t like batteries for switching gears cause it works fine with cables - no huge benefit. But in my eyes (haven‘t ridden it yet) FA should bring a huge benefit for XC application! So these batteries are OK for me.
I had the same inspiration and ordered a Huhn Chabo from Ralf Holleis after a test ride around his home town (he really let me ride the flashy rosé prototype). And after weeks of debating with me, my wishes and usecases I decided to go for a pretty solid XC build. No fancy light stuff, solid but with weight in mind.
My daily driver is a dad bike (Heckler SL) 160/150 and after selling my Stumpy Evo this spring I do need a very different bio bike to justify the money and time invested.
For me the decision comes down to wheels and tires. With a burlier fork, you need more stable wheels and tires. And then you start thinking when it‘s wet: the Assegai on my 150 bike is much better. And when it’s dry you start thinking: with lighter tires I‘d be flying up the mountain and it would be enough for a good descend.
So separation wil be the key for me as well!
I don't believe it's the same front triangle molds/geo. I've been told by Rocky the new rear end will not fit on the new front end.
Now, is it "yeah we can't say it fits" but it does, or does it _actually _not fit. I dunno.
How do you like the Element with Flight Attendant?
Flight Attendant is quite wild. The early iterations felt a bit.... beta-tester, but the big update early last year (I think, I can't really remember when it was) made all the algorithms and whatnot really good.
There's a lot to unpack and get used to with it, as well. But once you do, it's hard to go back.
That said, if you made me pick one bike for it, I'd pick my Arrival. I didn't really understand why, when it first launched, that they launched it with the Zeb, and for 'enduro' bikes. But now I think I get it. It makes those bikes a lot better where they struggle, especially undulating trails, XC-ish kinda stuff... Flight Attendant helps bring some liveliness and efficiency.
The Element is already lively and efficient. So yes, it's even moreso with the dampers going bzzt bzzt, but it's not worlds different. And I'm not racing, so the seconds or watts saved don't matter as much. It's just a smaller incremental change over the big bike.
Does that make sense?
Makes sense to me now. I never understood why my Zeb should ever be locked out. But if you could really feel it like that on flatter/undulating terrain. Why not? I haven‘t ridden this stuff yet. But I got curious.
Then I visited my local bike shop these days and the boss tried to bring a FA bike back to the trails (problems with the crank sensor): Nothing I want to deal with. I am out. Back on the: no batteries and sensors train again. =)
Newer FA systems and firmware require a power meter, not the crank spindle sensor that FA launched with. And worth noting that if you have some sort of sensor or battery or other issue while riding, everything just defaults to open, so it's just like... riding a bike.
All that said, yeah I can totally understand why people shy away from the batteries and whatnot with FA (and, well, the price...), but once you get used to a bit of ongoing battery maintenance, FA is very, very cool. It's also just unnecessary for pretty much anyone who isn't racing, ha.
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